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Quote: PhQnix @ November 18 2008, 10:11 PM GMT

Ah well I can't imagine they'd have the time or inclination.

Not sure about the UK, but A new survey of 500 top colleges found that 10% of admissions officers acknowledged looking at social-networking sites to evaluate applicants. Of those colleges making use of the online information, 38% said that what they saw "negatively affected" their views of the applicant. Only a quarter of the schools checking the sites said their views were improved, according to the survey by education company Kaplan, a unit of Washington Post Co.

Some admissions officers said they had rejected students because of material on the sites. Jeff Olson, who heads research for Kaplan's test-preparation division, says one university did so after the student gushed about the school while visiting the campus, then trashed it online. Kaplan promised anonymity to the colleges, of which 320 responded. The company surveyed schools with the most selective admissions.

The vast majority of the colleges surveyed had no policy about when it was appropriate for school officials to look at prospective students' social-networking sites. "We're in the early stage of a new technology," Mr. Olson says. "It's the Wild, Wild West. There are no clear boundaries or limits."

Social Networking sites are a little different though as they're intrinsically tied to your real life. Though with the meet-up and everything. Hmmm. Well I don't feel bad about anything I've ever said on here if I did I wouldn't say it.

I'd better hope the person dealing with my selection likes Johnny Depp as much as me though...


Well as long as you don't have pics of yourself wiping white powder from your nose on Facebook, Robyn, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Quote: PhQnix @ November 18 2008, 10:55 PM GMT

Social Networking sites are a little different though as they're intrinsically tied to your real life.

Can't remember if it was in the article I quoted, but I've read that an increasing number of employers and universities are using Google to research applicants. I assume they'd have to find something quite shocking to actually sway their opinion all that much.

My daughter just sent me this photo taken from her boyfriend's house shortly before his family had to evacuate due to the recent fires in southern California.




Those house look really nice.(I hope they still are!)

Quote: Aaron @ November 18 2008, 11:27 PM GMT


When I lived in Orange County there were a lot of pretty sunsets due to the frequent fires, but it's all negated by the chore of having to wash as from every surface. I don't miss it at all.

Quote: zooo @ November 18 2008, 11:28 PM GMT

Those house look really nice.(I hope they still are!)

His house survived.

This is very cool:

Quote: zooo @ November 18 2008, 10:55 PM GMT


Well as long as you don't have pics of yourself wiping white powder from your nose on Facebook, Robyn, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Laughing out loud That would so be Aaron's fault anyway. She had white powder all over herself on Saturday but it was from a Dib Dab.



Now this is just beautiful. Teary

That IT Crowd picture on the front page is very nice. Something about the blue background maybe? I keep looking at it.

Quote: Aaron @ November 19 2008, 12:30 PM GMT

Now this is just beautiful. Teary

The only solution I can think of is to send out some tantalizing civilian ships loaded to the rafters with Marines and/or special forces and a wide array of weapons. A blast or two from a Phalanx (4500 rounds per second) and it's all over. Maybe a small missile for good measure. No survivors and perhaps the pirates will look for a new line of work.

I see John Sergeant's quit Strictly.

Quote: Aaron @ November 18 2008, 10:08 PM GMT



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