British Comedy Guide

General, General Thread Page 1,629

:$ Ahem. Yes, well. Still quite tempted to ask Elliot what the worst thing like that I've ever said is.


|*|Elliot|*| says: (18:38:25)
Low-blow Robyn.

~ Robyn ~ We're talking brunettes, not fighter jets. says: (18:38:33)
Low enough?

>_< Yes. Okay. Shouldn't have asked for that. Do any of you realise how stuffed I am if unis actually search your email address?

She'd like to give you a blow.

Quote: Aaron @ November 18 2008, 8:24 PM GMT

She'd like to give you a blow.

It's like having Frankie Howard's lesser known younger brother on the site.



Quote: roscoff @ November 18 2008, 8:47 PM GMT

It's like having Frankie Howard's lesser known younger brother on the site.

I'm counting the seconds....

Quote: roscoff @ November 18 2008, 8:47 PM GMT

It's like having Frankie Howard's lesser known younger brother on the site.


One of the most flattering things anyone's ever said about me.

(Spelling mistake aside...)

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ November 18 2008, 8:24 PM GMT

>_< Yes. Okay. Shouldn't have asked for that. Do any of you realise how stuffed I am if unis actually search your email address?

Question for those of you with the relevant technical knowledge, could a uni track down our postings to this site?

Quote: PhQnix @ November 18 2008, 10:04 PM GMT

Question for those of you with the relevant technical knowledge, could a uni track down our postings to this site?

No one in a uni, no. Most of them are to busy flicking feaces at each other. Brainless slef important chimps.

Quote: PhQnix @ November 18 2008, 10:04 PM GMT

Question for those of you with the relevant technical knowledge, could a uni track down our postings to this site?


But they wouldn't, right?

Probably not, no.

Ah well I can't imagine they'd have the time or inclination.

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