Tuesday 18th November 2008 2:04pm
Royal Berkshire
69,975 posts
Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 18 2008, 9:01 AM GMT
Our rapper was white.
Yeah, yours wasn't so much antisocial as just plain weird.
Quote: Ben @ November 18 2008, 8:43 AM GMT
There's a funny Fast Show sketch featuring Colin Hunt and a Big Issue salesman. Each time the Big Issue seller shouts out "Big Issue", Colin Hunt responds with "Bless you!". This carries on til Colin gets hit. Anyway, I was out in town the other day and saw a Big Issue man who was shouting "Big Issue!", so I responded with "Bless you!" a couple of times.
Then I got hit.
By my girlfriend.
And then she told me to stop being a twat. ![:(](https://cdn.comedy.co.uk/images/emoticons/upset.gif)
Haha, oh dear!
Did you tell her ... No, I dunno.