British Comedy Guide

General, General Thread Page 1,593

*naughty corner for you*

*takes duvet*


*Comes in, reads posts, does "confused" face, walks out*

It's c-c-c-c-cold outside, sexy people.

I know... freezing... sexy pants.

Why hello there! You're all looking bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning, aren't you!

I'm bright eyed cause the cold has made my eyes water... and that ain't no tail, boi!

Eeuurrgghh . . . milky cup of tea.

Too much milk in tea is Sick

Quote: EllieJP @ November 13 2008, 8:54 AM GMT

I'm bright eyed cause the cold has made my eyes water... and that ain't no tail, boi!

Is it your penis?

Just saw an ad for Einstein and Eddington. It looked pretty good.


Big Nil!

Gavlah!!! How goes it?

Where's PhQnix got to? Do you think he's busy practising terrace chants?

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