British Comedy Guide

General, General Thread Page 1,537

True. :)

I am currently putting off doing work.

Naughty Aaron.

I have just seen an advert on TV for the Nintendo DS 'Cooking Guide'. I want it.

Quote: Aaron @ November 1 2008, 12:10 PM BST

I have just seen Robyn wearing only a bra (and some kind of trousers thing). I fear that my innocent mind shall never be the same again.

:$ There was a lab coat, and a slip ( the 'trousers thing') in all fairness!

But there was still at least one with only a bra!

Georgie did actually make me! "Take the coat ooooooff!" *Takes it from me.*

That cheeky bitch. She's going to sell the photos on the interwebs now.

And a great postcount from Aaron and Robyn at the same time! :D

Yay! But I spoilt it now. :( :$

How was then show then, Robyn? Worth the ticket anxiety??

It was brilliant! Totally worth it, even if the crowd weren't quite as good as last year's.

Good. Yes, you need a decent crowd!

I got a couple of laughs, but people were finding the simplest jokes that everyone makes hilarious. For instance, the classic "MEATLOAF!" when Eddie's eaten got claps! Claps! >_<

Last time I saw the live show, there was one guy yelling constantly, sometimes quite funny, sometimes really not. You need a good narrator or Frank to put some people in their place!

Our Frank was good while he was there, but it just all fell into disarray when he wasn't on stage.

I used to have a life size cut out of Tim Curry as Frank N Furter!

Tis gone now. I used to be NUTS about Rocky Horror.

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