British Comedy Guide

General, General Thread Page 1,526

I haven't said he is.

I'm responding to the suggestion that she is heartbroken and mortally offended.

Oh righty.

I can see why she would be though. Andrew Sachs didn't sleep with Russell Brand after all.

Imagine if he did! That WOULD be news!

That would have been brilliant.

Theres gotta be a Fawlty Towers joke in there somewhere...I've not watched it to the required encyclopedic recollection level to make a suggestion though...

Quote: zooo @ October 28 2008, 4:42 PM BST

Or donate their wages to a charity of Andrew Sach's choice.
Homeless Barcelonian waiters or summink.


Andrew Sachs narrated the thing at the Planetarium.




IT'S SNOWING! :D *Runs around like an idiot*

YOU LUCKY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11one1111!!!!

But the rain from earlier means it won't settle!

Oh noooooo!

I hate when that happens.

It's so prettyful...

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ October 28 2008, 8:57 PM BST

IT'S SNOWING! :D *Runs around like an idiot*

*opens back door*

Quote: Aaron @ October 28 2008, 9:09 PM BST

*opens back door*

That's some impressive muscle control you have there.

Yay! It's settling too!

It is neither snowing nor raining. DIS. A. PPOINT. EDDDDDDDDDDD. Angry

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