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How is everything?


I do need something with coffeine in it, though. Desperately.

And your good self?

Had some drinks after owning Yoga last night. Don't feel great. Not drunk in like a week. Become a light weight :O


Mornin' peeple!

I only venture in here when the terrible twins are offline!

That would be Dannyjb1 and Gagsy btw! ;)

Morning Frankie! :)


I am Gatwick ... the sun is shining a little here, though it was darn cold at 06:00 !!!

How's the weather over in Deutschland?


Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 25 2008, 10:24 AM BST

I am Gatwick ... the sun is shining a little here, though it was darn cold at 06:00 !!!

How's the weather over in Deutschland?

Oh, it's lovely. The sun is shining out of every corner. Very cold, though.

Quote: zooo @ October 25 2008, 2:22 AM BST

I just added 'in the relationship', so Finck's comment didn't flow on quite as well. :)

Ahhh ok. Well, it still flowed perfectly well for me! :)

ooooooo Zooo has another half? intriguing.

Quote: DaButt @ October 25 2008, 2:34 AM BST

It's 22C here at 8:30 and that's the warmest it's been all day. A cold front passed through last night and I had quite a shock when I went outside at 6 in the morning.

That is just ... intolerably evil.

Quote: Gavin @ October 25 2008, 11:21 AM BST

ooooooo Zooo has another half? intriguing.

No, she was implying that I bum-love Mark. :)

Quote: Aaron @ October 25 2008, 11:23 AM BST

No, she was implying that I bum-love Mark.

Oh right. Less intriguing.

Quote: Gavin @ October 25 2008, 11:24 AM BST

Oh right. Less intriguing.


Quote: Finck @ October 25 2008, 11:27 AM BST



Laughing out loud

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