Quote: Gavin @ October 5 2008, 5:29 PM BSTHe was going to say something bad bout himself, zooo would be angry. Go to another thread rinse repeat...Not tedious in the slightiest you understand
Quote: Gavin @ October 5 2008, 5:29 PM BSTHe was going to say something bad bout himself, zooo would be angry. Go to another thread rinse repeat...Not tedious in the slightiest you understand
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at large. @ October 5 2008, 5:27 PM BST
Hello everyone,
We've got the heating on. It's nice and warm.
Watching Harry Potter... aching from rugby in which we got trounced...and feeling very lathargic.
Hello Nil.
I miss sitting down and watching Dragons' Den with you.
Me too. Those were the days eh? *looks back to... a few weeks ago*
Is your bloke back now? You happy Ellie again?
Quote: Nil Putters @ October 5 2008, 8:23 PM BSTMe too.
Those were the days eh? *looks back to... a few weeks ago*
Is your bloke back now? You happy Ellie again?
A few weeks ago was ages ago!
Yerp, bloke is back and I'm happy. Dreading going into work tomorrow though!
*nods & remembers in flickery black and white*
*does best angry Cartman impression* "Kick 'em in the nuts!!!!"
Quick update.
I feel sorry for someone...what a bizzare feeling...I hope its not a permenant fixture.
Quote: zooo @ October 6 2008, 3:16 PM BSTWho?
Guy in work. I will see how this pans out last time I felt sorry for some one I punched the boss and got sacked.
Don't do that.
Video it if you do.
Quote: PhQnix @ October 6 2008, 3:21 PM BSTVideo it if you do.