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Okay, I've been in. I have now eaten some very quick to prepare food.


Mr your on fire mr!

No sir, I'm okay!Not going to catch me out that easily!

Quote: zooo @ September 28 2008, 6:58 PM BST

Okay, I've been in. I have now eaten some very quick to prepare food.

Good girl. :)

What'd you make, Laura?

Quote: Aaron @ September 28 2008, 7:00 PM BST

Good girl. :)

I was hoping I'd get one of those.

I made toast!
Being rather tense, the toast popping up made me jump about 9 feet in the air.

That's enough kitchen action for one day.

Microwave pizza?

Quote: zooo @ September 28 2008, 7:03 PM BST

I was hoping I'd get one of those.

Hehe. :)

Quote: zooo @ September 28 2008, 7:03 PM BST

I made toast!
Being rather tense, the toast popping up made me jump about 9 feet in the air.


Quote: zooo @ September 28 2008, 7:03 PM BST

That's enough kitchen action for one day.

I beg to differ. Cool

You can't make me go back in there!

Oh I dunno about that. *strokes chin*

At very least, I could give it a damn good try.

I get the feeling he wants to take you on the kitchen table. But the could just be my seedy mind.

Well I would be intrigued by any attempts...

Was thinking more of a worksurface, but a table will suffice.

Quote: Aaron @ September 28 2008, 9:42 AM BST

18,900 posts later...

How many avatars will Nil have today? Let's have a sweepstake. I'm reckoning on three.


Quote: Aaron @ September 28 2008, 7:29 PM BST

Was thinking more of a worksurface, but a table will suffice.

I knew it. \o/

Count Duckula! *points*

Right, I've got enough stir fry and stuff to share. zooo?

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