British Comedy Guide

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Quote: zooo @ September 24 2008, 10:28 PM BST

The title involves a large ladywoman and a farm animal.


That's the one with all those sitcommy people! I wondered why he went...

Quote: Winterlight @ September 24 2008, 10:26 PM BST

What counts as 'going'?

Not being here long enough for us to notice.

Quote: Finck @ September 24 2008, 10:26 PM BST

The things you know...

Pathetic, isn't it??

Quote: zooo @ September 24 2008, 10:28 PM BST

The title involves a large ladywoman and a farm animal.

Ah, good clue!

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 24 2008, 8:20 PM BST

Shiver me timbers young wench. Av yee returned from thy voyage aboard the good ship 295?


I'll shiver your timbers! Pirate

heehee Nighty night,

Quote: Finck @ September 24 2008, 10:03 PM BST

At least you remember a) what it was that made you drunkest ever, and b) which of many sad drink-related accidents *was* your drunkest ever. :$

There was a drunk person at my house last night. I was scared.

What did he/she do?

Quote: Winterlight @ September 24 2008, 10:14 PM BST


Aaron was at a play. Being all cultured and that.

Quote: zooo @ September 24 2008, 10:16 PM BST

Aaron's gone all cultured like and has gone to see a play.


Ha. I win.

Quote: zooo @ September 25 2008, 12:41 AM BST

What did he/she do?

Just be'd loud and laughy and that.

He's going to be here again tomorrow night. I hide now.

Quote: zooo @ September 25 2008, 1:08 AM BST

Ha. I win.

As always. As always!

*Drums impatiently on the bedside*

It's going to be a long day. People I implore you, quite selfishly, to keep me company. Being a sicky is no fun.

Ooooh actually I have a good idea! Webcomics, I love webcomics. Can anyone suggest some good ones?

Aw! Good morning, poor Elliot!

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.

Here's some music:

(I'm aware that I'm posting those all the time. I'm just trying to get someone to actually have a look at them. This is the perfect opportunity. You're so bored and sicky, you might actually click on that.)

Eee Finck! :D

I have decided today is going to be a culture day. In lieu of attending school I'm going to try and expand my mind a much as possible. Therefore I will extend my original request for webcomics to include any sort of recommendations. Preferably we want culture which is accessible from my bed. So music and text is good, art in galleries is bad. :P

I didn't know Beatsteaks were German. I also didn't know that in their tenth gig as a band they supported The Sex Pistols. Thank you Finck and thank you Wikipedia.

Quote: PhQnix @ September 25 2008, 9:20 AM BST

I didn't know Beatsteaks were German. I also didn't know that in their tenth gig as a band they supported The Sex Pistols. Thank you Finck and thank you Wikipedia.

They're from Berlin. (Aaaauuuuss Berlin!)

Okay. Educational. Let's start with politics:

Do you know or ever have been to: ?

Is this like The Onion? Or am I still half asleep?

Now to 'Understanding It All and Being Irritated By The Outcome':

Quote: PhQnix @ September 25 2008, 9:29 AM BST

Is this like The Onion? Or am I still half asleep?

Yes. I don't know.

Ooooo. I have a brilliant idea how to cheer you up!

But it takes some planning. Can you estimate how long you'll be in your sicky condition?

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