British Comedy Guide

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Yeah, same here, partly.

Quote: zooo @ September 14 2008, 5:46 PM BST

Yeah, same here, partly.

What were the other reasons?

Actual pylons.
Buzzing at me threateningly. And that.

That there was one right next to her house when she was growing up!


The TV show. They kind of looked like pylons and were scary.

Quote: zooo @ September 14 2008, 5:49 PM BST

Actual pylons.
Buzzing at me threateningly. And that.

Well that's true. I used to imagine if they came to life and chased me with their wires thrashing about. It really was scary. And they would be big and looming metal things out in the middle of nowhere - just like the Tripods.

Ah. Looks ... Yes. Weird.

Oh, flipping heck... Teary

hold me

Apparently they're going to be making a new film, but in Hollywood :(

Quote: zooo @ September 14 2008, 5:52 PM BST

Oh, flipping heck... Teary

hold me

*does so*

Quote: zooo @ September 14 2008, 5:52 PM BST

Oh, flipping heck... Teary

hold me


*protects bum especially*

Do Pylons particularly attack bums?

Laughing out loud

Quote: Aaron @ September 14 2008, 5:53 PM BST

*does so*

Yay! Now it's getting good!

Quote: zooo @ September 14 2008, 5:54 PM BST

Do Pylons particularly attack bums?

Yes! And boobs!

Quote: ian_w @ September 14 2008, 5:55 PM BST

Yes! And boobs!

I'd better protecet those then. :)

Quote: ian_w @ September 14 2008, 5:54 PM BST


*protects bum especially*

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

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