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My mini script: Is it worth animating

This is my script for the mini scene I plan to animate. Obviously animation is no quick process, so, do you think it is worth it interesting enough.

Here it is:

(This scene is a extract from Memoirs of a bar steward)

Scenery shot:
The Royal Ship (P missing, so it looks like Royal Shit)

Scene starts with a very close close up of main character preening himself

First we see him run a comb through his hair

He straightens his tie

He puts on his glasses

And last he puts on his name tag: Jacob Cox

As he is doing this we hear this voice over

V.O: Far from being the busiest pub in town as Dad promised, we've actually only got two customers, Bert and Antony.......however they are great guys, the best of friends since childhood (Cut to montage showing old photographs of the pair growing up together, saving each other in WW2 etc)
so their a great starting point for me to build my might business empire on. Well it's time to introduce King Cox to my wonderful subjects

As the loving montage ends we cut to Jacob entering the bar, only to see these two lovely old men violently beating each other with terrible headbuts, attack with pool cue and glass. We see eyes gorged, ears sliced, the lots, and whjile they are doing this they are insulting each other.

"I saw't first!"

"F**k ya, yer ol'Jerry cock cuddler"

"Givvy'ere. I saw't it on da bar first. Ye gurt big robbin bastard!"

"Well I ad it first, so tuff shit Bertie"

"Ye ol'c**t, I'm gunna tear ye a nuw shit bag!"

Ant barked back and he launched himself up onto Bertie and sunk his false gnashers right into his droopy old balls. I swear I heard a pop sound. As Bertie doubled over and collapsed onto the floor, Antony continued his fearsome comeback. He lifted his heavy glass handled beer mug off of the bar and struck it down with all his force onto Berties crown. Hundreds of shards of glass splintered and embedded themselves gruesomely into his skull. Just as Antony was about to strike a second devastating blow, Bertie came roaring back to life and sprung at his adversary, knocking him onto his back. Bertie quickly grabbed hold of Antony's arm and placed it over the top of two over turned stools and stamped his foot down upon it with all of his power, snapping it, with a loud horrible crack, like a twig. As Ant rolled around the floor, cradling his floppy wrinkly limb, Bert crouched down and picked up what Antony had finally dropped. A scratch card.

"Tis mine, oh precious, tis mine" Bertie cried happily, as he jigged about, covered in blood, holding the card aloft in his hand.

Then, unbeknown to Bert, Ant silently rose up behind him and launched over his shoulder, grabbing hold of Berts hand, which was proudly and victoriously clutching the scratch card, and with one almighty snap of his awesome choppers, he chomped down on Berts fingers, separating them from the knuckles.

"Geezus, grab him! He's covering the wall in blood"

V.O: I shouted to Curly but it was futile asking him to do anything as he was still lounging about on the floor in an idiotic daze, cupping his balls. What a fookin loser, getting beaten up by two geriatrics, typical Curly. I soon found my no good brothers in the corner of the room, far from helping they were pissing himself laughing! Do I have to do everything? Did the generals go over the top? No, but this f**ker has to. So I ran and got the bouncers. Had the three not been half pissed, they might have noticed the trouble themselves. I was hoping the hefty trio would be able to bring some calm to the storm but instead they darted into the bar like Spanish bulls and between them they lifted the warring pair into the air. The two old bastards were still going so the bouncers showed them the door, head first. I watched as the two airborne war veterans landed hard on the tarmac floor outside. I worried for a second they might have been hurt but the pair soon got up and disappeared off down the street, still kicking the living shit outta each other.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked the three Stooges (Clint, Miller and a wounded Curly)

Clint Explains, which prompts a flash back to how it happened

V.O: Clint had foolishly decided to play a trick on Miller. He had a bunch of fake scratch cards. They looked completely authentic. They appeared no different to the official cards that you could buy from a shop. The only difference however was that when you scratched them off they revealed that you had won £250,000.00. You only found out that they were fake when you looked at the small print on the back that told you how to claim your prize. 'Place this card under the Christmas tree in December, and when Santa arrives, suck him off to receive your reward'. It's turns out that Miller the feckin knob'ed had placed one of the joke tickets on the bar, and sat himself in the corner to watch what would happened when one of the old bastards picked up the ticket. What a prick. Was he sorry? Of course not, though I didn't get time to point out why he was such an utter twat because I wanted them to go and fetch the old boys back and apologise

"F**k off am I doing that Says Miller

"I'm in charge here, do as I say Says Jacob

"F**k a duck

"Right, I'll get Dad

"Ha laughs Miller

"I'll...(DRAMATIC PAUSE)........get Mom

Shock horror on Millers face

Cut to a scene of someone being tortured, head in a vice, gangster style. There is a big shadow but it is quickly revealed to be a little old lady

Cut back to pub

"Right I'll get them says Miller and he and Clint runs out of the pub. Curly has passed out.

Fades out

Cut back to pub and Clint and Miller enter.

Well, where are they asks Jacob

"They're dead, there's police everywhere, looks like they fell over the cliff edge fighting

"Oh my God no!............what have you done...............they were out only two customers you dick heads


Obviously being animated I can make the fight scene really O.T.T and gruesome, the same with the Mom intro scene. Unlike Family Guy this wouldn't be a separate story per episode, but a story told over a series, though each character would have their episode subplots

Actually I should have put this in critique

Just an overall comment...
There's a hell of a lot of voice-over that's going to need 'stuff' going on behind it.
That's a lot of animating.
I think you need to turn some of that VO into action otherwise it's going to be a bit long with not much going on visually.

I'm story boarding it now. The voice over is over the top of the main character getting ready, the fight scene, which has a lot of gruesome action going on, and then the second beefy voice over is over the top of the flash back. So there is plenty going on while he is talking. There is a lot of animation to be done, but it is something I can do and look forward to doing. My main concern at the moment is if the material is good enough to warrant all the work

Have you storyboarded it yet?

Half way through it

Only simple sketches put its vital

I usually do storyboards then an animatic. Tweak script as needed. Then finalise everything before animating. I can show you a rough animatic of latest one I'm working on. Quite AE heavy.

I've seen a lot of Pixar animatics in documentaries before. I must confess I don't usually do that, though I should as it would help nail the timing and scene process before I start

But yes, I'd love to see your animatics

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