Friday 11th March 2011 5:48pm
51,287 posts
Quote: Griff @ March 11 2011, 5:41 PM GMT
I wasn't being arsey! As I am familiar with the term "dramedy" I genuinely wondered if "dromedy" was yet another genre I hadn't heard of, perhaps a Dramatic ROMantic comEDY or something.
I went to a presentation a while ago where someone spoke about "warmedy". 
It's a real hugely succesful and profitable genre.
Think My Hero or All About Me. Or that God awful US one with the priest and the rabbi, or the Fresh Prince of Belair.
Basically a warm hearted, predictable sitcom where the idea is not challenge but to offer gently repative jokes and situation where everything is always resolved.
Shit as it sounds it's easy to write watched by millions, hits the religious fan base who won't watch comedy.
F**k it Sootyj is writing "It's nice to be nice with the Nices"
About a family of gospel singers call the Nice's who run a kitten retinue and have nice adventures.