British Comedy Guide

Monty Python is dreadful Page 15

It's not a bad piece of work per se. When it's good it can be inspired, but there are tedious, unfunny stretches, and to be fair it hasn't aged well. 5/10

For inspired lunacy from the same era, the Dave Allen sketches have held up much better.

I used to think the gems were worth the utter embarrassing other 25 minutes of the show.
Now I'm less kind.

John Cleese has admitted that some of the stuff was rubbish and they don't know how they got away with it.

I re-watched some of the old series a few years ago and like many sketch shows there are some fillers but within every episode there is at least one classic sketch. The same can not be said for modern sketch comedy which is poor at the present time. I therefore disagree with your original statement.

I do not think it is the best sketch comedy series as I prefer Not The Nine O'Clock News but certainly the most influential and last year I watched Life Of Brian and it still stands up today. I can not think of any other group of sketch comedians who have had a successful show and then successful films.

Whatever you think of them they are a rarity.

I've never really seen much Monty Python. I do remember as a kid hearing about the legendary Dead Parrot sketch and how it was like the funniest sketch of all time. And then when I saw it I didn't think it was remotely funny at all.

But maybe that's unfair. Kind of like when a band's most famous song is by no means their best one. I've also seen the Four Yorkshiremen sketch and do think that is funny.

The trouble is when you're told it's the best ever you expect a lot more.

And the fact it's forty years old doesn't reduce your expectation?

Well when I saw it it would've only been about 25 years old, therefore my expectation reduction at the time would have been less.

In reply to the original post
No it wasn't dreadful

I hope that clears things up

I saw The Meaning Of Life once again this evening.
It gets better with every single viewing.

My thoughts on Monty Python's humour stems from the idea that you're either in on the joke or you're not. There is always a sense of knowing and a connection through the fourth wall. Hard to articulate, I suppose. It's not something you "get", it's something you're apart of.

Quote: Woozie @ 21st September 2015, 3:26 AM BST

I saw The Meaning Of Life once again this evening.
It gets better with every single viewing.

My thoughts on Monty Python's humour stems from the idea that you're either in on the joke or you're not. There is always a sense of knowing and a connection through the fourth wall. Hard to articulate, I suppose. It's not something you "get", it's something you're apart of.

I think you mean "A part of" which is the opposite of "apart of" although grammatically it should be "apart from".

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 21st September 2015, 1:45 AM BST

In reply to the original post
No it wasn't dreadful

I hope that clears things up


Quote: Chappers @ 21st September 2015, 7:37 PM BST

I think you mean "A part of" which is the opposite of "apart of" although grammatically it should be "apart from".

Yes, well spotted... I can't fix it now because you've mentioned it. Forever shall I be haunted by such a mistake.

Quote: Woozie @ 21st September 2015, 9:20 PM BST

Yes, well spotted... I can't fix it now because you've mentioned it. Forever shall I be haunted by such a mistake.

When I was at school my teacher said the absolute worst possible crime imaginable ever was to split an infinitive. He was later outed as a paedo.

Quote: Haywired @ 20th September 2015, 9:29 PM BST

I do remember as a kid hearing about the legendary Dead Parrot sketch and how it was like the funniest sketch of all time. And then when I saw it I didn't think it was remotely funny at all.

Not one of my favouries either. They did far, far stronger stuff and I never understood why that one became so legendary.

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 23rd September 2015, 7:17 AM BST

Not one of my favouries either. They did far, far stronger stuff and I never understood why that one became so legendary.

Parrot fashion.

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