Friday Quiz 27th November 2015
1. The largest for more than a century was recently found in Botswana. What? Diamond
2. Four became three for which species this week? Northern white rhino (1/2 point for white rhino; nothing for just rhino)
3. What part of an Irish castle do visitors kiss to receive the gift of the gab? Blarney stone
4. Name the company. Santander
5. He was a French astrologer, consulted among others by Catherine de Medici. Who was he? Nostradamus
6. Which news reached London on the day of Elizabeth II's coronation? First successful ascent of Everest
7. What was the Tour of Britain cycling race previously known as? The Milk Race
8. What substance, derived from calves is used to help cheese to set? Rennet
9. What links these two pictures? Jasper. Designer Jasper Conran and an artwork by Jasper Johns.
10. Found in Scotland, and known for its mating display, what bird is this? Capercaillie. .
11. MgSO4.7H2O is the chemical formula of something you can drink or bathe in. It was named after a town in England. What is this substance? Epsom salts
12. Which Russian propounded a theory of realistic acting? Stanislav
13. Where is this? Gracelands
14. In the chemical industry, from which naturally occurring mixture is argon derived? Air
15. In whose novel does a young Andalusian shepherd dream of finding treasure in Egypt? Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist)
16. Who play rugby union in a horizontal style, and association football in a vertical style? Argentina. The rugby team play in horizontal blue and white stripes, the football team in vertical stripes
17. Who is this? Jamie Vardy
18. In my sock drawer there is a mixture of 6 green and blue socks. If I get dressed in the dark, there is a 2/3 chance that the two socks I pick are green. What is the chance of my picking a blue pair? Zero. For there to be a 2/3 chance of a green pair, there must be 5 green socks (5/6 x 4/5 = 2/3), and so no chance of a blue pair.
19. What connects these pictures: All name-checked in Andrew Neill's anti-ISIS tirade. Coco Chanel; Chateau Lafitte; coq au vin; Daft Punk; Zinedine Zidane; Juliette Binoche. Nothing for just 'French' - far too easy.
20. Unscramble the two words : A A A C D D E E L N N R T V ADVENT & CALENDAR
21. 6.5 Million pounds