Friday Quiz 23rd October 2015
1. The first in four years, it will be 25. What? Adele's new album
2. What was cancelled on Tuesday and rescheduled for Friday? One Direction gig in Belfast
3. Which company spends the most on their advertising in UK printed media? Sky
4. Who is this? Mary Whitehouse
5. What is the French name for the stretch of coastline which connects St Tropez, Cannes and Nice? Cote d'Azure
6. What name is given to an area of open space surrounding a city? Green belt
7. What League was formed by the major trading cities of Northern Europe in the 11th century? Hanseatic League
8. The word 'cab' is a shortened form of what? Cabriolet
9. What links these two pictures? Fox. David Taylor, also known as the Silver Fox, and David Duchovny who played Fox Mulder in The X Files
10. What 'D' is shown here? Dashiki
11. Which culinary term, popular in the late 1980s, means 'new cooking'? Nouvelle cuisine
12. Which boy's name is sweet when applied to a member of the dianthus family? William
13. Name the film. Serpico
14. Egg yolks and wine are the two main ingredients of which Italian dessert? Zabaglione
15. From what were London, Durham and Winchester omitted in 1086? The Domesday Book
16. Which peace treaty between the Allies and Germany officially ended World War I? Treaty of Versailles
17. What is growing here? Walnuts
18. My watch stopped yesterday. I didn't know what the right time was, but Johnny gave me the following clue: The time now can be found by adding a quarter of the time passed since midday today to half the time left until midnight tonight. What was the time? 4:48pm
19. What connects these pictures: Horses' gaits. Johnny WALKer; Cassandra TROTter; Archbishop of CANTERbury; GALLOPing Gourmet
20. Unscramble the two words : A H I K M N P P Q S S U U PUMPKIN & SQUASH
21. Wolves record goal scorer Steve Bull