13. Happy By Pharrell Williams
That Friday Quiz Page 173
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 18th December 2015, 6:10 PM GMTActually Gordon, I have oft wondered what language you personally speak in Basel?
"Baseldytsch"= Swiss German with the typical Baselian accent. Listen and learn from the genius:
Ah, but sorry
that is f**king weird hearing Roger speaking mock Kraut - I will look on you in a different light..........with a toothbrush tash.

Oh dear, where and when was that photo taken? I should cut down on the booze.
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 18th December 2015, 8:06 PM GMT"Baseldytsch"= Swiss German with the typical Baselian accent. Listen and learn from the genius:
Can't look away from the cactus.
Big champion, big cactus.
Quote: zooo @ 18th December 2015, 8:40 PM GMTCan't look away from the cactus.
I never noticed that - you really are a naughty girl.
Friday Quiz September 18th 2015
1. Which song is now free to be sung on air without fear of retribution from copyright lawyers? Happy Birthday
2. 'There's some crackling on my end' might have been said by whom, on the telephone, of course? David Cameron
3. Theatre stages sometimes have an arch framing them. What is this arch called? Proscenium arch
4. Who is this? Mrs Mills
5. What two-letter instruction will you see on a musical score if the music is to be played very loud? ff
6. What is the promise that Mary Poppins makes to children who beg her to stay for ever? "I'll stay until the wind changes"
7. What bold exuberant style dominated European art, music and architecture in the 17th century? Baroque
8. What word is used by French theatre audiences when requesting an encore? Bis!
9. What links these two pictures? Fisher. The Fisher King and Mr Jeremy Fisher
10. Name the artist. David Hockney
11. What is the name for a communal settlement in Israel? Kibbutz
12. Wild horses can be found in western Europe's largest river delta. Where? The Camargue, France.
13. Name the single. 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams
14. What is the title of Picasso's work that depicts the bombing of a Basque town during the Spanish Civil War? Guernica
15. Which sci-fi classic story ends with mass panic at the appearance of the stars? 'Nightfall' by Isaac Asimov
16. What did Vikings usually use for ice skates? Long animal or whale bones
17. Which God is depicted here? Janus
18. I have a rectangular board measuring 2m x 3m divided into six one-metre squares. How many ways are there of dividing the rectangle up into at least two rectangles whose sides are all integers? (Squares, of course, are rectangles) 33 ways (see below)
19. What connects these pictures: The notes of the musical scale. DOg, REf, MIni, FAn, SOL, LAmp, TIe.
20. Unscramble the two words : A E G I I R R S T X Y Z SYRIZA & GREXIT
Maths workings:
2 rectangles:
4+2: 2 ways;
3+3: 1 way, 3 ways accumulated;
3 rectangles:
4+1+1: 2 ways, 5 ways accumulated;
3+2+1: 4 ways, 9 ways accumulated;
2+2+2: 3 ways, 12 ways accumulated;
4 rectangles:
3+1+1+1: 2 ways, 14 ways accumulated;
2+2+1+1: 11 ways, 25 ways accumulated;
5 rectangles:
2+1+1+1+1: 7 ways, 32 ways accumulated;
6 rectangles:
1+1+1+1+1+1: 1 way, 33 ways accumulated.

13 Rudolph Valentino
17 Clarice Cliff
2. Lunar eclipse.
4. My future wife.
21. The Monkees
4. Jess Glynn. Gorden, she's touring the UK currently I think, if you want a chance meeting.
11. Isac Newton (one of his laws of motion ?)
2. HMRC telling the truth about waiting times.
What happened to two answers per person?
1. Palestine
3. Corsica
11 is Galilleo not Newton.
Quote: Godot Taxis @ 22nd December 2015, 5:09 PM GMTWhat happened to two answers per person?
Exactly, some people have no respect for our beloved Quiz Inquisitor Mr. Bring Me Sunshine
Anarchy prevails!
let's change it to 3
We never get through them all anyway
It was only to prevent smart arses trying to answer all 20 at omce