The Last Time
That Friday Quiz Page 170
I think Gordon has already said that George.
have we got one this week steve
have we got one this week steve
have we got one for this week steve?
I don't think there is a quiz this week George.
Not on a Sunday!

That reminds me of a very funny prank phone call that Victor Lewis Smith did many, many years ago when he pretended to be German and rang the Curry's help line with a problem he had with his television set.
I've still got it on tape somewhere and never fails to have me in stitches.
Steve Have you got a quiz this week has we did'nt get one last week, maybe do a Christmas quiz this week or next week before crimbo.
Friday Quiz August 21st 2015
1. A waxwork of which scantily-clad singer has had to be refashioned to prevent visitors taking inappropriate photos of themselves with it? Nicki Minaj
2. The leader of which European government has just resigned? Greece
3. A gumtree is the common name for which tree? Eucalyptus
4. Name the actor. Mark Addy
5. Who was the first driver to win the Formula One World Championship in his own make of car? Jack Brabham
6. In a traditional poem, who stole some royal pastries before returning them and promising to do so never again? The Knave of Hearts. ½ point for 'Jack of Hearts'
7. What were the young men of Britain no longer required to perform after 1960? National Service / Conscription
8. The word for what perfectly natural condition was banned from being spoken in the US sitcom 'I Love Lucy'? Pregnant
9. What links these two pictures? Neil Morrisey. He was a Texas Ranger in the TV series Boon and voiced Bob the Builder
10. Name the bones marked in red? Scapula / shoulder blade
11. In May 1982, what happened in Britain for the first time in 450 years? The Pope visited
12. The Roaring Twenties in the US was also given which other popular epithet? The Jazz Age
13. Name the classic mini-series. Rich Man, Poor Man
14. Where is the only place in the world that you can see the sun rise over the Pacific and set over the Atlantic? Panama Canal
15. Which singer played the part of a fencing instructor in 'Die Another Day'? Madonna
16. Who gave away a late penalty to put England out of the 2000 European Championship finals? Phil Neville
17. What is the name of this popular holiday destination? Koh Samui. ½ point for Thailand
18. I cycled to the nearest town which took me 4 hours, pedalling against the wind. On the way back, it only took 3 hours as I was pedalling with the wind. How long would it take me to cycle to the town on a completely windless day? 3 hours 25 mins and 42 secs. See explanation below
19. What connects these pictures: All British foods with EU Protected Designation of Origin status. (Cornish pasty; Blue Stilton; Jersey Royals; Cumberland sausage; Arbroath smokies). No points for just 'named after locations'.
20. Unscramble the two words : B E G I L N P P U Y Z BUNGLE & ZIPPY
Maths workings:
Let distance between home and the town be D.
I took 4 hours to reach the town. So speed while travelling towards the town is D/4.
Similarly, I took 3 hours to reach home. So speed while coming back is D/3.
There is a speed difference of 7*D/12, which is the wind helping me in 1 direction, & slowing me in the other direction. Average the 2 speeds, & you have the speed that person can travel in no wind, which is 7*D/24.
Hence, I will take D / (7*D/24) hours to travel distance D which is 24/7 hours.
Answer is 3 hours 25 minutes 42 seconds
21. The Last Time / Andrew Oldham Orchestra

6. Eucalyptus
17. Don't You Want Me
3. Cassandra