11. Taking over as M in the new Bond movie
That Friday Quiz Page 152
16 Bass
3: 140 characters. (I know I twitter)
Being a cryptic crossword fan I always look forward to the unscramble the letters question at the end of the quiz, but this one took a lot of staring at trying to see a pattern, and when it did finally dawn on me what the two words were, I realised why it took so long to solve.
So............., and IT has got to be:-
20 Kneecap Patella
BUT there are only 2 letter "A"s in the question!
Or are there two other words that can be made.
The guy missed out an A
He sent another email explaining this afterwards
His bad
Sorry I forgot
I was too bust stockpiling quizzes in my BCG inbox
I'll check if that's true & post another one soon
4.Watch My Chop's
9.Both Songs Sung By Don Mclean?
Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 25th July 2015, 10:26 PM BSTYes
The guy missed out an A
He sent another email explaining this afterwards
His badSorry I forgot
I was too bust stockpiling quizzes in my BCG inbox
I'll check if that's true & post another one soon
Too late as now I'm back on my medication. ..........I was doing so well without it too.
9. Don McLean sang about Buddy Holly ('American Pie'), and Roberta Flack sang about Don McLean ('Killing Me Softly With His Song')
Friday Quiz March 6th 2015
1. Who is now on the black desert under the endless night? Sir Terry Pratchett
2. Which nation has just been added to the list of those posing a national security threat to the USA? Venezuela
3. What is the maximum number of characters allowed in a message on Twitter? 140
4. Who are they? Corneil and Bernie
5. What species of wild duck was also the title of a James Bond film? Goldeneye
6. What is the name of the British dog show, exclusively for cross-bred and mongrel dogs? Scruffts
7. Which Yorkshire coastal town is home to a twice-yearly Goth festival? Whitby
8. Which London Underground station shares its name with an open star cluster? Seven Sisters
9. What links these three pictures? Don McLean dedicated 'American Pie' to Buddy Holly, and Roberta Flack dedicated 'Killing Me Softly' to Don McLean
10. What 'O' is this? Opera cake
11. Where did Ralph Fiennes succeed Dame Judi Dench? As 'M' in the Bond films
12. Which heavyweight boxing champion is a member of parliament in Ukraine? Vitali Klitschko (1/2 mark for just Klitschko, nothing for Vladimir Klitschko)
13. Name the plant. Pitcher plant
14. Which European capital will host the final of football's Champions League this year? Berlin
15. Which sweet food item, created in Scotland in the 19th century, was named because it contained baking soda and this had supposed medicinal properties? Digestive biscuit
16. The oldest registered British trademark is a red triangle. Which company? Bass brewers
17. Who is this? Leon Trotsky
18. I was in the local newsagents looking at the magazines for sale. I chose 'Scrabble Heat', 'Vegetable Secrets' and 'Harajuku World'. I paid at the till, but noticed that the newsagent pressed the multiplication button between each amount instead of the addition button. When challenged, he smiled and said "It doesn't matter. Either way the total amount is £5.70". How much were the magazines? £2.85, £1.60 and £1.25
19. What connection links these pictures: Nobel Peace Prize laureates
20. Unscramble the two synonyms : A A A C E E E K L L N P P T KNEECAP & PATELLA

1. New Zealand
12. First Minister?
4. Battleship Potemkin (you can even read the word 'Potemkin' on the poster!)
7. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
9 Woodstock
3. Noogie
10..........I have been racking my brains on this one as I remember seeing a local prog. about fishing ports on the EA coast, but you know how it is - the harder you think the harder it is to recall; then, walking the dog just now it popped into my head when I was thinking of summat else....ennit the way.
10 Is called a Mackerel Sky because the pattern looks like the side of that fish.
Right children, lesson over - you can close your books now and go home.