British Comedy Guide

That Friday Quiz Page 101

I have heard of her though, I shall check her out.

Great books

Quote: Marc P @ 30th November 2013, 1:16 PM GMT

14 Cruciate

5 marsupials (not just kangaroos)

My friends here would dispute that all marsupials have pouches:


hello steve have we got a Christmas friday quiz today?

Maybe, Bit busy at the mo, Will check later

Here we go



Friday Quiz December 20th 2013
1.Which celebrity won an injuction this week to prevent paparazzi loitering within 50m of their home? Harry Styles
2.The value of which currency plummeted by 35% this week? Bitcoin
3.What is Archimedes alleged to have shouted while running naked in the street, after discovering the principle of buoyancy in his bath? Eureka!
4.Name the film. While you were sleeping
5.In the Peloponnesain War, the people of which city-state, noted for its rigid military discipline, were the enemies of the Athenians? Sparta
6.When Blackadder's aunt and uncle, 'the two most fanatical puritans in England', come to dinner, what vegetable does Baldrick serve them, even though the only one he can find is 'exactly the same shape as a ...thingy'? Turnip
7.In zoology, what term is used for a limb or tail that is capable of grasping or holding? Prehensile
8.Which Scottish city has three cathedrals, all of which are made of granite? Aberdeen
9.What links the two pictures? Dundee

10.Who is this? Keith Richard
11.Which small market town in the Welsh borders is famous for its literary festival and its many second-hand book shops? Hay-on-Wye
12.In 1801, George III relinquished which title that had been claimed by English kings since 1340? King of France
13.Where is this? Bondi Beach, Australia
14.Which frozen dessert, usually consisting of two or more kinds of ice cream, is named after the spherical mould in which it was traditionally made? Bombe glacée. (1/2 point for bombe)
15.Which heavy metal band, formed in 1976, was named after a medieval instrument of torture ? Iron Maiden
16.Taking its name originally from the Old English for 'spear', the wood of which tree is often used for making electric guitars? Ash
17.Which early 19th century novel deals with the eponymous character's attempt s at matchmaking between her friends, before she herself finds love? Emma
18.I sell four Christmas puddings for £15 or seven Christmas puddings for £24. It doesn't matter to me as I make the same profit on either transaction. Today, I sold twenty-six Christmas puddings. How much profit did I make? £15 If you write your info out as an equation:
7 puddings + profit = £24
- 4 puddings + profit = £15
3 puddings = £9
you see that each pudding costs £3. So 4 puddings cost £12 and my profit is £3. I said I make the same on either deal.
The only way I can sell 26 puddings is by 5 deals (3@4puddings & 2@7puddings). Making £3 on each means total profit is £15.
19.What links these pictures: Children in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (AUGUSTUS Gloop; VERUC(C)A Salt; VIOLET Beauregarde; MIKE Teavee; CHARLIE Bucket)

20.Unscramble these two words F F G I N O P R S S S T T U U STUFFING & SPROUTS

8 Aberdeen

15 Iron Maiden

And I know no 1 but wouldn't embarrass myself in public by answering it. Besides, I've had my two.

13. Santa Cruz

1. Harry Styles
6. A turnip

Quote: Nil Putters @ 21st December 2013, 1:13 AM GMT

1. Harry Styles

You have no shame.

But I have two points.

7. Prehensile
17. Emma

19. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Augustus (Gloop), Verruca (Salt), Violet (Beauregarde), Mic/Mike (Teevee), Charlie (Bucket)

8. Aberdeen

You're very good at those 19s Dolly. Find them impossible.

9 Dundee. Is this a Scottish themed one?

4. While You Were Sleeping.
11. Hay-on-Wye.

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