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Scams Page 2

Department of old threads here......................

Just had a phone call from some twat wanting me to renew my Sky digi-box insurance. Well...................

1...................(just had another one from the same number, different twat as I was about to block that number) where was I...............Oh yes,.......

1/. I do not have Sky


2/. Why do you have to insure it

Needless to say they both received some fruity language

I've had a strange one this week - and I don't know what to make of it. Maybe some of you do.

A woman called me on my mobile saying I had called her but she missed the call.
She said her smartphone told her it was my company name calling her (I don't know how that is done)
but it was a different number to mine.
She said she had called the number that called her and there was no such number.
So she looked up my company on the net, found me and, as I said called me.

How can someone call someone with the ID coming up as my company?
I have no phones registered with the company name.

Hmmm, slightly worrying

I'm sure you know who will know.

It's fairly easy to spoof/fake CallerID.

Some nobhead rang us the other day saying as our double glazing was installed 10 years ago can they call round to check if they can make any repairs etc before the guarantee expires

Even arranged an appointment with him

Luckily we rang the company who installed the windows prior- and they had never heard of him and said he was absolutely nothing to do with them!

So we cancelled and he rang back about 4 times asking why?!

Cos your a fkn dodgy shyster that's why!!

The funniest one I ever got was (in Spam, strangely enough) some dingbat insisting he hacked into my PC, inserted a mini-camera and had actual footage of me downloading porn and, that's right, so for 850 quid he'd wipe it. The funny part was that I hadn't had the Net at home for literally years, so clearly the guy in the call cente is very understanding. Anyway I was talking about this to a guy who knows far more than me about this sorta thing, and when I said, 'Does anyone actually fall for it?' he pointed out:
1. All men with unlimited home Internet look at porn occasionally - it's not good or bad, it's just a fact - and, yes, that's what happens. So he is, in the words of Alan Partridge, in the right ball park.
2. Maybe he finds some high-flyer with shitloads of money, a stressful job and a reputation to keep. Under the circumstances, the victim might be tempted to pay.
3. It's the law of averages: even if just one in ten people do fall for it, imagine he hacks into 100 computers. That's a lot of money for doing sod all.

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 21st August 2019, 3:56 PM

3. It's the law of averages: even if just one in ten people do fall for it, imagine he hacks into 100 computers. That's a lot of money for doing sod all.

Cold calling always used to be a 1% success rate, but that was not blackmailing somebody of course.

That's 8% more than I got in telesales.
The other one was Ebay where apparently I ordered a yacht - I contacted admin and they told me to close my account. I said, 'Is anyone that think? Hey, did I order a yacht? Duh, I forgot. What am I like?' They said No of course not, but they insert a mechanism where you click 'No' and it registers as Yes so you are obliged to pay for it. At that point they say you pay or they take you to court (and there's no guarantee you'll win)... 'But, for the moderate sum of 500 quid we'll forget about it.' At that point it seems like a bargain...

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 21st August 2019, 3:56 PM

1. All men with unlimited home Internet look at porn occasionally - it's not good or bad, it's just a fact - and, yes, that's what happens. So he is, in the words of Alan Partridge, in the right ball park.

Not true! I don't need to!!!AngelicRolling eyes

There was an American comedian who said, "Whenever you talk to men about masturbation, thay go, 'Masturbate? Me? I don't need to...' I don't need to, I enjoy it."

When my Sky Remote took the knock years ago I rang them and told them I needed a new one and they said it would cost me 15 quid.
I refused to pay for their faulty gear and got passed onto some idiot who was supposed to be the 'Smoother' and he said . If it helps we have to charge everyone?'
I told him that the same as telling the next of kin of a Yorkshire Ripper victim 'If it helps love he;s killed loads' I got the remote two days later at no charge.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 14th August 2019, 9:49 AM

I've had a strange one this week - and I don't know what to make of it. Maybe some of you do.

A woman called me on my mobile saying I had called her but she missed the call.
She said her smartphone told her it was my company name calling her (I don't know how that is done)
but it was a different number to mine.
She said she had called the number that called her and there was no such number.
So she looked up my company on the net, found me and, as I said called me.

How can someone call someone with the ID coming up as my company?
I have no phones registered with the company name.

Hmmm, slightly worrying

That is an odd one. I just did a quick search and found a mobile number but not sure if it's the same one. I don't know how a company name flashed up on her phone but I don't know smart phones very well as I've never had one. There might be some kind of app that scans every inbound call with an internet search and if it finds a match it displays the business details. Like Dabutt said it's easy to spoof email addresses and phone numbers but if you have only had one call it doesn't sound like anyone is up to no good.

-Our Last attempt to deposit your tax refund of 521.61 GBP
-For the last fiscal year failed, this is due to error in the bank details in your tax file.

-Be sure to provide up to date personal and banking details,
-So we can immediately deposit the refund amount into your account without errors.
-Refund Amount: GBP 521.61

Something I was half watching about the £20,000,000 scams world-wide with just dating sites and they quoted the case of a woman in this country who was persuaded by "a soldier", who she'd NEVER met, to send him £10,000 so he could get back home with all his gear that the Army wouldn't pay for, and then he will be free to marry her.

Needless to say, she never heard a thing after sending him the £10K, and YET AGAIN I cannot believe the sheer stupidity of these people. "Oh, I now feel such a fool" she now says - No love, you're a f**king idiot and deserve to lose the money. Dear oh f**king dear.

Of course, she could have been desperate like sex starved Hetty.

Delivering some shopping & prescriptions for elderly neighbours over the last few days, I texted those who I could to advise them of the cost so that they could leave the money in a safe place for me to pick up One lady's shopping came to £29-odd. I opened the envelope she'd left in her porch and it contained a £20 note and a note saying that that, as she hadn't been able to get out to withdraw any cash, that was all she had in the house. She'll settle up with me when she's next able to get out.

I must be the only person, in the current crisis, to have been scammed by the old & vulnerable!

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