Just a quick one, I hope you like. It wasn't my best script but I had to keep the work rate up or I'd slack off. No prizes for guessing what the visual influences for this one are!
More Pie?
Lol, nice one Shoe, liked it. That's the same as one of your comics ain't it? Still good.
How do you do the lip sync? I just finished drawing my character, check out my site, in my sig. It's just a quick go using SwishMAX.
Yeah it's a re-working of the comic strip. The two characters are real mates of mine and they were up for doing the voices to the comic so they're my Blunt-man and Chronic!!
Moho (lostmarble.com) has a built in lip-syncher that is pretty good. And then I tweak the results and add in th "oh" shapes.
Lol. Yeah I've tried using that Moho before. I couldn't get my head around it. I suppose I'll give it another go.