Tuesday 20th April 2010 8:11pm
35,981 posts
Quote: SlagA @ April 20 2010, 7:12 PM BST
He was in the Damned for a short while - it's easy to see how he and Captain Sensible got on, going by the musical similarities.
He was also with Wreckless Eric and in King with Cpt Sensible.
You got pretty good taste, Chappers, (Teardrop and Cope were good recommends) so I'll probably chase The The up on Amazon.

Well the Damned are wonderful. Have you heard Absolutely or the Black Album. Damed damned damned is of course a classic.
Check out that Lew Lewis link too plus the Count Bishops.
(Love Wreckless Eric too!)
Quote: Oldrocker @ April 20 2010, 8:44 PM BST
On the way back from the pub because I cba to change the radio . . Call Me Al by Paul Simon.
Is that one of the most boring songs ever written or what ?
I couldn't agree more. Paul Simon is really pretentious.
Doves are on Radcliffe's show on Radio 2 now.