Soundtrack from Homecoming Season 2

Soundtrack from Homecoming Season 2
Steely Dan have an impressive output but I only like their first two albums.
the boys are back in town! Radiohead - In Rainbows From The Basement (April 2008)
Guess who just got back today
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven't changed that much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy............
Quote: john tregorran @ 4th June 2020, 11:38 PMGuess who just got back today
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven't changed that much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy............
Maybe I should have done notes on what I thought from the start but it is all too late now - also, I let you be you :
UK Viva - Mr Mystery:
(Too early for their own good - come back in a year or two's time)
Harmania Indie Choir - She Bangs The Drums:
(I find this oddly moving - think it is Liverpool with which I have a mixed relationship (I'm a South and North East bloke) but it couldn't be anywhere else : we should be grateful for what it has given us which is immense and the sooner we get Klopp's team over the line the better : I would be outraged on their behalf if they were not allowed to win it outright)
Psychostick - Because Boobs:
(Trailer trash - and gigantic funbags)
Billy Swan - I Can Help:
(Cute and impressive - but you just know over the next 50 years she is going to be demanding)
Full Colour - Times Change
(May 2020 - Thank Christ, It's the Indie Pop resurrection - Best Song of The Year - 9 out of 10 lads, now make it a 10):
Anders Flanderz One Man Band - The Final Countdown + Popcorn + Kalinka:
(Thought it was an ex girlfriend to be honest)
Hall and Oates - I Can't Go For That (No Can Do):
(Love - love - the vibe harmonies - we used to marvel at/be bemused by the gay moustache - but now I am seeing the nuanced harking back to the silent movies : if it wasn't for the lack of obesity, I'm thinking of a knowing Laurel and Hardy)
Roger Scott - A Seance With The 1970s:
Whatever the Clash said, and I love the Clash, that station had the best ever branding and the best aural architecture while Scott, so sadly dead at 48, was the radio person's radio person. He found a halfway place between the over the top ways of mainstream Radio 1 and the likeable cynicism of Peel all via early experience of Canadian radio as it was then. Better.
That voice is London to me in those times because it seemed ever present and all encompassing and it sidestepped the obvious class and money differentials. And both it which had the best ever timing for a presenter - and the product if I dare call it that - was the very opposite of bleetin' miserable while never resorting to be kiss-me-quick Blackpool. I come back to him to time and time again in my memories as I miss what he represented terribly. I also loved the fact that he didn't have a face for TV. That was a plus for me as it showed he knew his best place to be the greatest. Which he was.
Look at the comments!!!
Nicky Horne's was the Capital Radio show I listened to most regularly. I think he was on at about 9pm, just before Peely.
Spoon live at Primavera Sound 2014
I bought Ruff Guide by Tricky in Oxfam for a pound.That's a pretty good bargain I think.
Can anyone beat that ?
Quote: George Kaplan @ 4th June 2020, 11:02 PMthe boys are back in town!
Radiohead still bore me shitless.
I am listening to Paul McCartney's Pipes of Peace. It Is total and utter f**king shit. Kudos cos 50 percent of the Beatles fresh from a Stevie Wonder stint plus Michael Jackson when he was still black and black lives matter now, and still shit. Respect!
Yes. Liverpool says hello after some time which is nice. I liked the tune and I loved the van. Sometimes I listened to Nicky Horne but my mother didn't like it. It was the lads' rock slot and it dangerously suggested my hair might get older. Weirdly, after that, it only got younger as one had to reveal the ears post dinosaurs, didn't one. I took about ten years on that one, gradually sliding it up in line with reduced rates of paranoia. I even ditched the flares by 2003 after counselling.
There is in my head a lunchtime scene outside W H Smith in Croydon where I am with an ugly controversial mate from Manchester who says that Roger Scott is ugly and should be playing Magazine. We would have had a fight about it except that I was so much for keeping the peace I could have been in the Poppy Family. Also, he was bigger than me and a thug.
Anyhow, Big R Scott and Little N Horne are standing on boxes the wrong way round, much as Mick Fleetwood and Sam Fox would be later on except neither was burning any bras. And behind them, totally ludicrously, is Mary O'Hara - who could easily have been a nun and probably had been one - playing the harp as shoppers, business types and punks walk by. I'm not sure how much of it happened and how much has changed in my head over time. I suspect it is accurate.
Re Pipes of Peace, no, not me either in the main although I regard Tug of War as seminal and I like it lots. The Smiths nickedLast Night I Dreamt from the title track in my humble opinion but fine as they made a very good job of it. Monkhouse does love the Beatles. He just can't admit it. But, hey, I only took to them in 1981. As for Jackson, did anyone see that the more he held his crotch and thrusted it, the whiter his face became? Ill-conceived surgery didn't come into it.
Half a Side
Paul McCartney - Tug of War:
(Elegant, contemplative, syncopated, ever so slightly edgily uncomfortable : it is "National Service" and coming of age, chest filling, awe inspiring, breath taking and, with the Beatles' warm comedic understanding of daft everyday folk, - "mustn't grumble". Yep. One of his best. Also, I was with wheels for the first time - being the taxi driver, fanny, mainly mixed race, stepping over the cord which kept the passenger door fixed on until the MOT, me staring elsewhere from the windscreen alone at the hills - lovely brilliant middle class English genius George in cigarette smoke, gawd bless 'im)
Ralph Vaughan Williams - Symphony No 2, Lento:
(My favourite composer - oh dear JT! but I forgive you - the irony that it's a London Symphony, (and imho the greatest symphony of all time), which works as London, and yet it is his most pastoral - I have corresponded with one of the biggest RVW experts on this - he now lives in the Far East, sadly struggles to write the books following a stroke, but maybe it needed someone like that to be positive about me saying that it sounds like Darwin's bee experiments on Leith Hill where RVW lived and the sound of the rhododendrons if their flowers were opening just above the earth - this is the precise eliding of soil and flower while somehow conveying democracy in Westminster at its best and the poverty in lives which have been let down: it has absolutely everything and it is my soul being found and wrenching out of me. Anyways, he responded well; it was rewarding; I almost wrote a thesis, before visiting the house where the graffiti in the basement is sadly sickening, but no sad schoolkids locked up in the wrong place can ruin what is the best piece of music of all time. I believe he was a highly nationalistic, small c conservative, nonconformist, Social Democrat in the pre crap Blair sense. Yes - that will also do nicely. You can still find those people in Surrey - well, one, and he himself is very old now.)
The Smiths - Last Night I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me:
(The start combines Tug of War with the Carpenters' Close To You : Ignore what the critics say, this is The Smiths greatest album - the history on Morrissey seems to be a track from God like adulation but what is his sexuality to oh God, he is a vegan fascist, while Marr is admired but became increasingly small c conservative : ignore all of that too : they were in British social and geographical atmospherically wonderful - in the early days when they arrived, we had to take a little time tuning in to them and via them our own northern streets, so far had they been unrepresented for donkey's years in the media; also, I had only been there a year - it is the vibe that counts which was immense and all the rest is trivial)
Combichrist - Throat Full Of Glass (clean edit):
(This is an example of whether we should believe in the agenda of the liberal west more than Muslim terrorists. I could only say it is a score draw on this basis although extremist ideas of Islam are shite. I mean, the logical thing is that it should be burned and anyone who has a problem with that is simply insane as is the 21st C regime. Obviously I won't be doing so as a 57 year old couldn't give a toss man but if and when it happens all I can think logically is that tragically what is reaped is sown.)
Quote: john tregorran @ 5th June 2020, 11:54 PMI bought Ruff Guide by Tricky in Oxfam for a pound.That's a pretty good bargain I think.
Can anyone beat that ?
The boy did good!
His stuff is Massive Attacky. His more recent work is cool too eg False Idols (2013).
Quote: A Horseradish @ 6th June 2020, 1:23 PMSometimes I listened to Nicky Horne but my mother didn't like it.
Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 6th June 2020, 1:36 AM
Nice to see you, Steve.
Wide selection of beards in the vid - I like the bassist's best. Did they inspire your new tash?
Nicky Horne would definitely have played their stuff on his show.
The problem when you are my age is that everything blurs. I know that JT is so similar in musical taste to my good internet friend of past pastures that he could be John Corrigan although the latter is in Kirrie in Scotland. JT has to have celtic heritage. I had GK at around my age or even a bit younger but now I know from the NH thing he must be 61. My biggest issue with the libewals is that my uncle and godfather and surrogate grandfather really did go in to Belsen and drag out the bodies. He never spoke about it. We just went rowing together in a non-competitive escapist way and ate sandwiches in the countryside by a tea flask. That was the great thing about cockneys. They had really been there.
They were warm. They would have murdered the immoral without a second glance and while they were surrounded by skyscrapers all they did was ping birds off a washing line to vent their frustration. I am still in awe of them. Sure, he ultimately went racist against the blacks but he didn't really mean it until outnumbered. Without him, I wouldn't have been straight as my Dad was very stagy, love him. Charlie gave me the outdoorsy way and the football and the camping. Dad, the comic doing what was expected of him out of time. He's gay but the illegality saved him from sucking cock and gave him Mum. With her strength, he's 89 and frankly if longevity and happiness are key the law shouldn''t have been changed.
People were imprisoned then like what we aren't. Oh pardon me, yes we now are. And if I hear or see another thing about women being victims from the very same people who promote them being shot into blood nude in videos, I will blow. That being demoted with their acceptance to just shaking their arses. Yes, to turn on the sheer shite of it all. I am going to bring back asylums when in power and lock all involved up, whatever their ethnicity. They all drag themselves down and the rest of us with them and they protest too much against their own crassness. They are so depressing and get on my bloody nerves. All of them. The tripe they come up with. If you want womens' rights, why collaborate with male c**ts to be whores and make money? Oh yeah, it is because you are making money and think I'm an arsehole for wanting to do anything for free. Warped. It is not the behaviour I have issues with. I am happy to have pictures of arses waved at my cock on a daily basis though it ain't the same as eye candy. No. It is the sheer sick kid drama inducing irrationality.
Let's clap for the NHS which fake news is taking down the drain. Theirs is the real illness of liars. I am not going on to a bus in a mask. It's zombie like sheep there, so to avoid. For ever. I will never again leave my house as it is the only refuge for sanity. I used to love the Jewish weddings I was invited to, Loved them. A chance to demonstrate masculinity by evading the bride on the swinging chair above the head. Yet while in the men only Hebrew section we talked about the kibbutz we never did discuss the claustrophobia of circumcision. Whatever, now we are all victimised Jews in a world promoting freaks. Mental bastards. I can't and won't listen to the radio. 2020 has lost me. I'm not joking.TVC-19 was the moment when I decided that I hated people so much that I welcome dying. 2020. Fake illness. Fake f**k all. A media which is 24/7 deathwatch raking-in-the-dosh creep. Have you bet on Happy Valley yet? Ha, ha, ha. Shits. Everyone of you. Come near me closer to your adverts and you will force me to shoot. It looks like a horse morgue. I don't want to go on a bus seeing the conned in blinkers. Young Japs were already there in their fashions. Now they know they are unloveable.
Pearly Dewdrops' Drops:
(Never knew what the tart was on about but she was great as she made me feel like a breeze-driven tree on copper acid)
Quick reply to a previous Horse post.You must have misunderstood my Foghorn Williams remark.I was only echoing comedy duo Eric and Ernie,meaning no disrespect to a composer I listen to a lot.