The Writers' forums, and specifically the Critique forum, has been created for the benefit of all the BCG members who wish to share their own sitcom scripts, sketches and other ideas for other users to leave feedback, suggestions and reviews.
This service, along with all its content and resources are provided to you for free. Mark, Aaron and the rest of the moderation team have taken their personal time to create such an environment.
By actively using the forums we will assume you have agreed to the rules of the boards. If you break the terms of use, the moderating team will act accordingly.
If you do not agree with the rules or feel you have been treated unfairly, then please contact a member of the moderating team or administration. Please, do NOT post this on the public forums, as it is counterproductive. Any general issues or questions about the board can be found or asked in the feedback forum - where a member of staff or even another BCG member may help.
The 'Make It' section has been created for your benefit. It's not just an add on to the sitcom guide anymore. It is a resource-rich library of information.
Let's keep it that way. Please stay on topic, I don't like closing Critique threads. The General Discussion forum is for chit-chat.
Thank you.