British Comedy Guide


I'm new I am, from darkest West Wales. I have a lantern and I would like a pet Sloth but I haven't got one. Also I am often muddy. There's Welsh tv sitcoms in Welsh here sometimes with english subtitles but I'm not frightened. Anyway - hello Wave

Ooh. I like your accent.

Certainly one of the more odd introductions we've had, so welcome! :)

Wel shwmae. Pa rhan o'r Gorllewin Gwyllt wyt ti'n dod o?

I'm from the swamplands of north pembrokeshire. Unfortunately I don't speak Welsh, but my spawn does - took me 4 years before I realised I was being called a dog's arse. From your profile I see we have some credits in common - I too have had material broadcast on My Dog's Got No Nose, Huddlines, Spitting Image, Hale & Pace, Rory Bremner...Who Else?, Giggly Bitz.
Cheers! Wales

well i'm english through and through, and i believe you welsh invented that language to cheat at scrabble

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