Caught a glimpse of her the other night on some rubbish looking panel crap thing sitting on a sofa next to Lee Mack I think it was. Two things struck me, one, for a stand-up, she doesn't half sit down a lot, and two, she looks like a balloon that's steadily getting bigger every time she appears on the box, sitting down.
On one of those Opinionated panel crap shows I remember her being huffy with an audience member who lost about 20 stone or something and won slimmer of the year and bagged her ideal man and became happy. SM sneerily said to her, 'But what's the point, it's not going to change who you are'. The super slimmer countered, quite brilliantly, 'But it did change who I am! I was unhappy and never went out or socialised before. Now I'm happy and love going out and socialising.' The lumpy Millican gave one of her trademark unimpressed looks and carried on with her peculiar role of gurning and laughing like a hyena. While slowly being pumped up from behind the sofa.
I'm certain there's got to be a punchline ending to this strange saga. I will turn on the TV one night to see Millican floating off on a round the world comedy tour via her own hot air, gurning and laughing like a hyena from 8000 feet up. With any luck she'll slide off into orbit.