No, with respect, that is a different argument, Ms Zooo.
And while there was definitely resistence in the early days of the big standup explosion from those old boys already banished from the new type of comedy, eg. Davidson, Manning etc etc, I don't think there were many at all, if any men on the new circuit who tried to block women standups coming through. On the contrary, they all went out of their way to be 'new manly' and liberal about it all, encouraging more women to join them in their trade and taking down the old walls and divisions.
But once up there, women will still encounter the odd hostile male who's maybe a failed comic and will want to give her stick. Hence the clever marketing of female standups to get more naturally female friendly women in, and then of course, the big realisation that there is big money in giving women what they want - material about themselves!
I am not being sexist, it's the way it is, women have always, naturually, exploted their femaleness! And why not? But it just means that standup comedy (not comedy per se, very different thing) is not universal across the sexes.