British Comedy Guide

Sketch for Alan Partridge: KWKY -- first attempt

Hi all. Wondered if anyone would be interested in reading my sketch based on "Knowing me, knowing you with Alan Partridge". My first ever attempt at this sort of thing; I know it's far from perfect, but would welcome any comments/criticisms.

Thanks for any feedback.


I really liked this. I'm a big fan of Alan Partridge and this was very faithful to his character. It read like a genuine Partridge episode - well done!

Thank you very much for that! It's come in for some very scathing and at times savage criticism on other forums, but as possibly Noel Coward said: "better to be hated than ignored", or something. :D

Thx again!

Good stuff. Remember 'spec' scenes are cool practice and cooler calling-card scripts!
Years ago there was a comp like these on these forums, I tried 'The Young Ones'.

I have to admit I was fearing the worst before I read this but its great sketch. There are few bits that don't work well - personally I would take out the lennon/lenin bit.

These are minor niggles though. I would be more than if I could write a 'homage' as well as you have done here.

I've just read your script and it's pretty funny. There's certainly no way it could attract scathing or savage criticism from any normal, rational, comedically-minded person.

Most people on writing websites are decent people who either like socialising with other writers or who want to improve their writing (or both).

There are, of course, some very strange people to be found on such sites. Some are strange in a good kind of way and some are strange in a 'desperately needs therapy' kind of way. Making life uncomfortable for people with talent is a sure sign that someone belongs to the latter group.

Jealousy is the almost always the root cause - unless it's a case of Hell having no fury like a woman scorned.

I know all about both, believe me.

Thanx again guys. I agree the Lennon/Lenin thing was very dodgy, but then I was only trying things out, so thanks for the advice.

As to people being borderline abusive to me, you'll be glad to know that I responded to this behaviour in the way people like that hate. In other words, I was polite, calm and self-deprecating. Works every time! Laughing out loud

Must say, it's nice to have some positive criticism (though I'm sure some people will read it later and think it was rubbish, but that's ok, as long as they read it) --- many of the posters on the other forum hated the script but admitted they hadn't bothered reading it! Who needs an open mind, eh? ;)

Anyway, again thank you all for some considered criticism, and for saving me from slashing my wrists after having received negative feedback from people I neither know nor respect.

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