British Comedy Guide

The Sitcom Mission 2011 Page 33

Fair enough, but bear in mind that last year's winner was about 'media folk'. Albeit in the 1800's.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ March 3 2011, 12:32 AM GMT

I want to see grit in the wit that reflects today, funny likable real, that's all it's not much but it is a whole new concept to them and they don't want to smash the stencil, that's why 'Rock & Chips' got commissioned.

Well, Rock and Chips got commissioned because it was written by John Sullivan and an offshoot of perhaps Britain's most sucessful sitcom ever, certainly in terms of viewing figures.

Although good luck with your Grit-Wit sitcom. :)

Quote: Agnes Guano @ March 2 2011, 11:25 PM GMT

The point is; believe in yourself, make contacts, work work work the scene and polish that script.

Great advice, Agnes, for a moment there I thought you were gonna state the bleedin' obvious.

Quote: don rushmore @ March 3 2011, 1:29 PM GMT

Great advice, Agnes, for a moment there I thought you were gonna state the bleedin' obvious.

Sometimes people need to hear the obvious. What is patently obvious to the more experienced is news to the novice.

Thanks to everyone who emailed me their scripts and gave me links etc.

The scripts entered are of a good quality! Which is frustrating and brilliant at the same time.

For the people who aren't receiving replies and emails, every email I have received from people on this website has been sent straight to my 'junk mail', I disagree with Windows Live's verdict on your scripts. What do they know about comedy anyway; they've got Brian Badonde representing them.



Hooray Antrax is back!

Focus on the positive Griff.

Quote: Ashley @ March 3 2011, 2:10 PM GMT

Thanks to everyone who emailed me their scripts and gave me links etc.

The scripts entered are of a good quality! Which is frustrating and brilliant at the same time.

Hey all,

I've been lurking here for a while and had hoped to enter this year's Sitcom Mission. Alas! I didn't get anything good on paper in time, so I'm now aiming for next year instead (and will probably still leave it until the last minute!)

I was just wondering if any of you would be willing to send me your entries like you did for Ashley? I'd love to see the standard and the new ideas that the competition generates.

My address is gary_o - at - if anyone's kind enough to send me their scripts.

Thanks in advance, and good luck to everyone who entered!!

I am no way denying the mass appeal of Fools & Horses, I didn't like it but millions did, should that change my view?
The point being made was to appeal for realism which I stated I did not see in either production.
As for my wit grit, I shall endeavor to be its proponent as realism is what I prefer to things such as Green Green Grass Rock & Chips etc etc etc.
Its only my point of view, I have never had a script commissioned and the man in question is quite rightly a multi millionaire, but I'm still left with my opinion so I thought I would share it.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ March 3 2011, 8:04 PM GMT

I am no way denying the mass appeal of Fools & Horses, I didn't like it but millions did, should that change my view?
The point being made was to appeal for realism which I stated I did not see in either production.
As for my wit grit, I shall endeavor to be its proponent as realism is what I prefer to things such as Green Green Grass Rock & Chips etc etc etc.
Its only my point of view, I have never had a script commissioned and the man in question is quite rightly a multi millionaire, but I'm still left with my opinion so I thought I would share it.

The great thing about sitcom is that it now comes in so many guises. It doesn't matter as long as it is funny, from Only Fools to Episodes, however silly or straight it's played if it makes you laugh that's enough. Funny is what it is!

I might be late in the day but how come Channel 4 don't accept scripts from individuals now? Does anyone know the best agents or production companies to go through instead?

Does anyone know when it will be announced which scripts have made the final 32?

Sorry if this has been asked already...


Rule 15:

(though they'll be pretty much reading constantly till then!)


Quote: swerytd @ March 5 2011, 5:28 PM GMT

Rule 15:

(though they'll be pretty much reading constantly till then!)


Cheers Dan.

Glad it's not my job to get through them all in that amount of time :\


Quote: jack martin @ March 4 2011, 8:14 PM GMT

I might be late in the day but how come Channel 4 don't accept scripts from individuals now?

Probably got fed up with the vast amount of numpties sending in rubbish.
Plus Channel 4 don't actually make their own stuff.

Quote: jack martin @ March 4 2011, 8:14 PM GMT

Does anyone know the best agents or production companies to go through instead?

It's not really a case of the best. It's a case of which agents or prodcos will like YOUR scripts.
You need to research these companies first. Most will tell you on their websites what kind of genres they want.

Also, if writers have worked really hard at finding contacts in the industry and getting those doors open, they're hardly going to share that info.

There are a few prodcos who accept unsolicited scripts. Seek and ye shall find. :)

Quote: swerytd @ March 5 2011, 5:28 PM GMT

Rule 15:

(though they'll be pretty much reading constantly till then!)


I wonder if that is still realistic? I think that was planned when they were expecting around 700 scripts (which seemed to be the case when I attended a workshop on 20th Feb). I guess if the extra 500 were all crap they could probably despatch them pretty quickly, but if they are of reasonable to good quality it must add a lot of time.

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