British Comedy Guide

The Walking Dead Page 8

I can't remember the scene exactly but I would presume he didn't want to take his son into the city?

Nah, I'm fairly sure he said he didn't want to come right now, but that they would come alone, later.

Maybe he is guarding his wife? So she don't get a shotgun in the head by some zombie slayer? Did he shoot her, I really can't remember?

He tried to shoot her, but couldn't manage it.

Maybe you should smoke less before the next episode! You might remember a bit more. ;)

Ah, yeah. Thought so. He misses the poon-tang.

Quote: zooo @ November 17 2010, 3:27 PM GMT

Maybe you should smoke less before the next episode! You might remember a bit more. ;)

:D Yeah but this way there is twice as many zombies!

The reason I'm forgetting what happened is because I "acquired' the first episode. But decided to be a good boy and wait for the next episodes on FX. They took forever to come up on the OnDemand Catchup service thing, so I ended up "acquiring" them in the end anyway. So there was a big gap between the first one and the next two.

Quote: zooo @ November 17 2010, 3:20 PM GMT

And mummy zombies who stare wonkily through a peephole in the front door.


Episode three didn't have much zombie action but felt very tense nonetheless. Great use of music throughout.

Quote: zooo @ November 17 2010, 3:20 PM GMT

I didn't really understand why the black man and his son didn't go with the main dude. That was a stupid decision.

I expect he'd seen many people leave, only to die. They were safe, why change that?

Although drawing attention to yourself by popping off the undead won't help.

Has episode three been on telly yet?

If not, shurrup. If it has, ignore me. I just haven't watched it on my skyplus yet.

What day is it actually on. I should probably try to remember that...

*shuts up* But I didn't give any spoilers.


Naughty Nil.

Quote: Nil Putters @ November 17 2010, 3:40 PM GMT

Although drawing attention to yourself by popping off the undead won't help.

The nut bag.

Quote: Nil Putters @ November 17 2010, 3:45 PM GMT


Thanks! :)

I assumed he'd stayed behind so he could fishish his wife off, but kinda knew that would lake him a while to do. The learning to shoot was a convenient cover up.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ November 17 2010, 3:55 PM GMT

I assumed he'd stayed behind so he could fishish his wife off


Quote: Nat Wicks @ November 17 2010, 3:55 PM GMT

I assumed he'd stayed behind so he could fishish his wife off, but kinda knew that would lake him a while to do. The learning to shoot was a convenient cover up.

Ah, that could be it.

Quote: Nil Putters @ November 17 2010, 3:57 PM GMT


Laughing out loud

Quote: Nil Putters @ November 17 2010, 3:57 PM GMT


I wondered how long that would take for someone to post, but never expected it would happen so quickly.

Third episode was great!
Still scary, and still excited to see what happens next.

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