This idea is less controversial and more light hearted than my last one (in which I didn't intend to insult or upset anyone, particulary in the Gay community. As said it was written in the sense of a homophobic society rather than homosexuals themselves)
Anyhow, my other idea is a mockumentary based on Zombies (individuals and families) who go about their daily business as normal functioning people. The idea of the show is to relate the racism they have received from a prejudiced society to the racism that other ethnic minorities still recieve in England today.
The mocko shows scenes of haudfs of Zombies protesting against racism and how they are sick of being portrayed as flesh eating killers, and movies such as Dawn of the Dead and Resident Evil are mere exxagerations of their culture. They do eat raw meat, but it doesn't have to be human!
Plus the mocko will even touch on multi racial couples, as in Zombie and human couples and families who have children who descent from both races.
The inspiration for such a mocko would come from The Office and classis american sitcoms such as The Monsters and The Adams Family???
Whaddaya Reckon?
A hit? or Shit?