British Comedy Guide

BCG Achievements Page 13

Quote: Nat Wicks @ October 17 2010, 4:16 PM BST

2 weeks and you're back. I'm sure someone must owe me £50.

Just visiting my wounds prevent me from kicking cats to entertain myslef, so I am waiting for an NHS air rifle

Well you'll get one of those before an NHS bed I should imagine, quite comfortably.

Quote: sootyj @ October 17 2010, 3:54 PM BST

and get a DVT

I know you're not the best speller in the world, soot, but I thought even you could manage STD.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 17 2010, 4:44 PM BST

I know you're not the best speller in the world, soot, but I thought even you could manage STD.

It was a DVD, shit sitcoms kill

Pull up to my bumper, baby
Bumping a thread (whether it's yours or not) because you enjoy it and don't want to see it fall off of Active Threads.

Give me some sugar baby

Flirt with 3 active members in a 2 hour time span.

The most bitter end

getting the very last unfunny pun in a punning contest that everyone stopped caring about.

charge of the lite brigade

enraged demands that all comedy should be nice like it was in 70s

The Smiley Stabbing - Be as grossly offensive as possible, but tag a cheeky emoticon on the end so nobody minds. Got that, you worthless f**king c**tballs? :)

Throw Grammar from the Train
A sootyj post.

The Real Bussell
Latest attempt by BCGs number 1 scamp and his lockstock style crew to steal the British comedy crown.

Quote: sootyj @ October 18 2010, 1:58 PM BST

The Real Bussell
Latest attempt by BCGs number 1 scamp and his lockstock style crew to steal the British comedy crown.

There's a crown now? Why was I not informed? :)

Starting with a bang
Be the first person of the day to sully the forum with a sexual reference.

Quote: David Bussell @ October 18 2010, 4:36 PM BST

Starting with a bang
Be the first person of the day to sully the forum with a sexual reference.

I think Chip and I share that achievement. :)

Quote: EllieJP @ October 18 2010, 4:40 PM BST

I think Chip and I share that achievement. :)

Whistling nnocently

The Easiest-to-Guess Poster

You guessed I'd write this, didn't you.

Picture Prick
Posting an image the same size as the wall of the Amazon warehouse, f**king up the whole page for everyone reading.


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