Godot Taxis
Saturday 9th October 2010 8:46pm
5,757 posts
The rhyming slang is 'Jam Spoon' and has been since I can remember. That in no way precludes the use of Egg and Spoon but I've never heard it and most of my family is from the East End and still lives there.
I would caution anyone at trying to guess the etymology of slang as most of it is much older than it first appears. The term 'Call Girl' for hooker for example dates from the 1660s and has nothing to do with telephones. It refers simply to a girl who comes when you call her over.
Regarding Matt's use of the word spoon - I would assume this to be nothing to do with rhyming slang for 'coon' since in terms of insults, black people have historically been linked to laziness, not stupidity. I would imagine it refers to the practice of showing a baby their reflection in a spoon, which was a common practice years ago and might even amuse some of you f**kwits if you haven't tried it. In the base of the bowl your face appears the right way up but when you turn the spoon to show the inside it is upside down. I would think 'spoon' refers to that look of confusion or wonderment on a baby's face. The inference being that someone was as gormless as a baby. It's only a guess though and as I say beware of guessing slang.