Alfred J Kipper
Monday 5th December 2011 8:22am [Edited]
8,482 posts
Quote: Godot Taxis @ December 4 2011, 11:58 AM GMT
There is no comedy if you take away his height. What would we be laughing at? A six foot man stuck in the lavatory/dustbin/lavatory again/falling out of a car/dressed as a child?
It's really only a step up from laughing at a man with cerebral palsy body popping or a down's syndrome girl wearing make-up.
A best it's a bit sad at worst, well... it's genuinely contemptible.
You're dead right in pointing out that the comedy is simply poking fun at weird little people, of course it is. Don't know why some are trying to say it's not! It's very basic, obvious, instinctive, visual based comedy.
But I think you're very wrong about Gervais' motives for doing it. Over anything else, RG is attacking PC, as he has always done. He's not just saying 'How dare you tell us what and what not to laugh at', he's also saying' 'You PC lot are really patronising to those you think you're trying to protect, and many of them have the sense of humour that you sour faced lot lack'.
All the humour in LTS is tongue in cheek, and the one benefitting the most from the venture will of course be the star, Warwick Davis, who has been magnificent in it, despite his Gervaisisms at times. I don't see anything nasty or mean in it like you do, I see it as a celebration of good old fashioned, instinctive, pure, physical based comedy. RG takes out all the BS that's crept into post PC comedy and it's a breath of fresh air to me.