Hi All,
Been lurking on the site for several months now and I love it.
Thought I should sign up as both BBC1 and BBC2 are included in the cable TV here in Belgium and I seem to watch and enjoy many of the same series that you all do (particular recent favourites being Ideal and Miranda).
Particularly fave posters here, for me anyway, are (in no particular order) all of you!
I know that I will continue to enjoy your most excellent comments and I hope to be able to contribute some of my own, from a perspective here in Belgium, which I hope will be useful/interesting. For example Fawlty Towers is currently showing here in Belgium. Everyone I know finds it absolutely hilarious (I do too)
Hello to you all and thank you for having me. Here's to the future
Must now go and eat sushi. Mmm, sushi
Edit: in this message there was originally a list, since deleted, of a number of BCG posters.