Quote: Charley @ September 7 2010, 12:18 AM BSTBlair is guilty of war crimes.
Nope. Just because people repeat such nonsense doesn't make it true.
Quote: Charley @ September 7 2010, 12:18 AM BSTBlair is guilty of war crimes.
Nope. Just because people repeat such nonsense doesn't make it true.
He lied about Iraq.
Quote: Charley @ September 7 2010, 12:31 AM BSTHe lied about Iraq.
It's a lot more complicated than that and certainly doesn't rise to the level of a war crime.
Yea he is a war criminal. Line him up & shoot him in the eye. Him & Bush.
Anyhoo I don't want to waste my breath talking about the lying c**t any more.
Quote: Charley @ September 7 2010, 12:18 AM BSTBlair is guilty of war crimes. He has an ego bigger than the sun. His wife looks like her husband's cock is still stuck in her arse with her permanent
expression. He takes no blame for anything & he is a twat.
He also looks like an arsehole in mid shit.
Did I write this?
Quote: Godot Taxis @ September 7 2010, 1:26 AM BSTDid I write this?
Oooops have I been stealing?
Quote: DaButt @ September 7 2010, 12:40 AM BSTIt's a lot more complicated than that and certainly doesn't rise to the level of a war crime.
Hey Dabutt, I wonder how you would get on with a foreign army taking over Texas and blowing up your house? Guess you wouldn't mind it from what you're saying. You could try to pick them off with that handgun of yours from behind a cactus.
Quote: Charley @ September 7 2010, 1:30 AM BSTOooops have I been stealing?
Sounds like me - although I like arseholes so I wouldn't compare Blair to one...
Quote: Godot Taxis @ September 7 2010, 1:31 AM BSTSounds like me - although I like arseholes so I wouldn't compare Blair to one...
Some arseholes are quite lickable I must admit. Blair is just a cheeks pulled apart, hairy old piled mother f**ker.
Quote: Godot Taxis @ September 7 2010, 1:31 AM BSTHey Dabutt, I wonder how you would get on with a foreign army taking over Texas and blowing up your house? Guess you wouldn't mind it from what you're saying. You could try to pick them off with that handgun of yours from behind a cactus.
I asked for facts regarding Charley's claim of war crimes and you responded with tired stereotypes and exaggerations. That's not how adults should discuss things.
Quote: AndreaLynne @ September 3 2010, 12:11 AM BSTWell, he's been all over American television. That said, I have no real interest in reading it.
That's where the main audience for this book is among the religious and neo-Con right in the US. I can almost hear that deep American voice over man advertise the quasi-religiously titled biography-
"Tony Blair- a man of destiny, follow his journey out the wilderness and into the light, a man of vision prepared to stand up against evil doers. "
I tried to watch the hour long Andrew Marr interview last week and was nauseous after 10 minutes. Yes he had made mistakes-over the Freedom of Information Act!
Blair told us this was a naïve piece of legislation that doesn't allow cabinet minister to have private conversations anymore. The act does not even cover cabinet minutes or private conversations but Blair just sat there like he believed it and had no idea in his deluded head that he was just telling a pack of lies (or incorrect information). This just epitomised this intellectually light weight vile mad man.
Quote: DaButt @ September 7 2010, 4:55 AM BSTI asked for facts regarding Charley's claim of war crimes and you responded with tired stereotypes and exaggerations. That's not how adults should discuss things.
1.The Government rejected Foreign Office warnings not to invade Iraq which means there is a good chance Mr Blair can be 'investigated, at the very least' for war crimes.
2. We now know that the Government was explicitly warned beforehand that the UK risked being prosecuted for going to war.
3. Britain (In particular Blair & Bush)planned to topple Saddam 2 years prior to the war but were waiting for a "Legal Right". Along came 911 which had nothing to do with the Iraqi people and BOOM!!!!!
4. They knew there were NO weapons of "mass destruction".
I could go on & on but I can't be bothered.
The man is responsible along with Bush for instigating a war on agression, lies & illegal activities to the Iraq nation & the British soldiers they demand serve there.
Them two self righteous c**ts bathe in the blood of all the innocent civillians & every British/American soldier that died fighting for the bullshit their government fed them.
Quote: DaButt @ September 7 2010, 12:27 AM BSTNope. Just because people repeat such nonsense doesn't make it true.
Perhaps not war crimes but he is disingenious, dishonest and incompetent.
He fumbled his way into a collection of lamentable wars. We will only see the real danger when democratic governments across the mid east collapse over the next decade.
Not to mention the dead, the crippled and the exiled who run into the millions.
Quote: DaButt @ September 7 2010, 4:55 AM BSTI asked for facts regarding Charley's claim of war crimes and you responded with tired stereotypes and exaggerations. That's not how adults should discuss things.
You're the one who burps out the undigested party line, Dabutt - you were doing it the other over Al Megrahi - you're more of an RSS feed than a person. I don't know what you plan to do with any facts that people give you other than ignore them.
Come come guys. Play nice.
I am hardly ever serious but...
We have the greatest democracy in the world (sorry Dabutt, that includes the USA).
In a democracy the government is voted into power by the people
The elected government make decisions on behalf of the people (without having to carry out a straw poll each time)
The Blair Government decided to go to war
24hr news channels have 24hours of TV space to fill
As it was such a one-sided war, the media, unlike previous wars, had to fill the remaining 23hours 55 minutes with something else to appease the advertisers
Anti-coalition media coverage is easier to report on as democratic countries readily accede to requests from the media for information that can be readily used against them
The negative publicity of these 'self-inflicted' criticisms feeds further anti-British sentiment both home and abroad which is exploited by our detractors abroad and our detractors and misinformed within
While our armed forces bravely fight on behalf of us (elected Government - decisions on our behalf - so it is for us) we should fully support them. If that means keeping our collective traps shut until we can elect another government on an anti-war ticket, maybe we should just do that. If we can't vote an anti-war government into power it is because the majority of the population support action when it is needed. If you happen to be in the minority - tough titty. That's how a democracy works.
Calls for Tony Blair to be indicted for war crimes are ridiculous (for the record I am blue not red).