Monday 6th September 2010 12:33am [Edited]
36,454 posts
Quote: zooo @ September 4 2010, 7:11 PM BST
I don't like walking along piers or big bridges when there are gaps between the planks of wood you're walking on and you can see the sea through them.
A few months ago, when I was back in Skegness with the girlfriend. We went for an evening walk along the beach. Imagine those films where the sun is setting, there's a warm breeze in the air and it feels like you're the only two in the world. Well, it was nothing like that...
The tide was in, I mean really IN. So as we walked along the cold concrete path way, the icy waves lapping at our feet trying not to get dragged out by the currents. The sound of chavs racing their Ford Escorts in the car park. And as we approached the Pier, which was closed off for the winter season. The romantic gesture came to me, for us the clamber over the railings and have the whole pier to ourselves. And so we did. We walked in almost total darkness, along the rickety century old decking, as the sea roared 10 foot below us we reached the end of the hundredish yard pier. We sat at the bench on the end wondering WTF we were doing there. Pitch-black, surrounded by old Victorian decking and a roaring winter sea-below. And then we had to walk back.
I know how to show a girl a good time.