Radio Rejects-writing opportunity Page 10
Time to catch my train home but I'll try to sort it out this evening.
Cheers Af'. Much appreciated.
Haven't listened yet, but will later tonight.
Only had a chance to listen to Swerytd's Moon Landing one, but it was funny and professionally written - well acted too. Looking forward to hearing the rest.
Hopefully they're going to podcast the show once it's been edited a bit.
Thanks to Afinkawan for recording this, and for telling me how to post it.
That sketch is really good, Ponderer. Like it a lot.
Af's are really good too. I hope with all my heart you actually wrote 'Everybody!' in the MRSA song!
Well chuffed with how mine turned out, to be honest. Very professional and nice to hear people laughing. Not something that happens often with my comedy...
Thanks Dan. I have to say I am really pleased with how it was performed too.
Ditto on yours, Afinkawan's and Tony's. Nice ideas, well written and performed very effectively.
I'm looking forward to having a few new rejects after this week on Newsjack so I can send them in.
Oh yeah -- they're lining up now!
Just listened to the clips on this page and enjoyed them all. It shows that a performance can put the laughs in a sketch where reading it flat of the page might not show where the laughs are going to come from.
It's just my luck that the only time I get anything in was the previous show that wasn't recorded
Hopefully they'll record and podcast the shows in future. I imagine they'll be better quality recording than mine (I just used one of these sat on a table in the middle of the room) and edited as well.
Dear Radio Rejects,
At some point around 5pm today your email account will look as if it has come under a DDoS attack.
Do not panic...on closer inspection it will become clear that some 1,200 rejected scripts from 400 disgruntled Newsjack writers will have all landed in your inbox at the same time. Almost all of them will contain the cryptic term "NewsFox" followed by a famous Hollywood movie quote with one word changed to 'news'.
By mid-March you should have some 7,000 scripts and enough material for a show with a running time of just under ten days.
All the best,
Hi Guys,
Thank you again so much for your great sketches! And thank you Marc for recording the show and passing on bits of it to the respective writers. You are far more technologically aware than I am. We have a great recording with our expensive rented equipment, I just have to figure out to edit it and podcast it! (Any help will be welcomed!I'm an actress/writer, not an IT expert!)
Just want to pass on the news that our own Daniel Carter-Hope is starring in The Furred Man, which was shown on Channel 4 this past Saturday. You can still catch it on Channel 4 on demand:
Further proof that Dan is a hugely talented actor and now famous to boot!