British Comedy Guide


I'm Josh. I came across this forum and I'm glad I joined, looking forward to getting involved in the threads. I'm not a prick in the sense of the people that go on YouTube and LIVE for grammatically correcting or verbally excreting Wikipedia facts at every comment posted - that just annoys me, so what if somebody forgets a full stop, or gets the year of a comedian's birthday wrong ??

I'm rambling.

I have started trying to update my blog on a regular basis and I've written a script for a comedy drama which, obviously, can still use some work so hopefully chatting with you guys and the more I keep my blog up to scratch, the better I can get at comedy writing and start making real worthwhile changes to the script.

Quote: opium @ August 30 2010, 10:52 AM BST

I'm I'm not a prick in the sense of the people that go on YouTube and LIVE for grammatically correcting or verbally excreting Wikipedia facts at every comment posted - that just annoys me, so what if somebody forgets a full stop

It makes the post difficult to read.

I am that grammatically correct 'prick'.

Just do your best, as per site rules.

And welcome.

Aaron is not really a prick, just a bit anal about spelin and fings.

Wecome Wave

Hey there. Aaron does bite. :)

Hello there :)

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