British Comedy Guide

Make an unfounded claim about the poster above you Page 88

404 Not Found is over there.

Big Jack is Ainsley Harriott's cheif head polisher

goose will eat solitary tin of beans with small loaf of white, washed down with tea and long-life milk,that's life that is...

dellas sees Wilma Flinstone as her comedy idol

Goose has a twin called Lofthouse, they share everything, girlfriends, toothbrush
bed, plate, and best pair of trainers.
Once a week they buy a curry and share any leftovers with their mongrel.

dellas is not who they say they are.

Bill Jaguar had a walk on part of as a war memorial in the 2007 action-comedy, 'Hot Fuzz'.

Tuuumble owes 500 lbs of bananas too a gorilla that beat him at Poker

sootyj was the brains behind Bernard Manning.

Bill Jaguar is so against Steve Jobs and Apple, he won't even buy apples, apple pie, apple sauce and other foods with apples in as he thinks all profits go to Mr Jobs

Goose24 will not fail where prototypes 1-23 did.

Big Jack's favourite chat up line to women is: 'What's the difference between an erection and an orange... I don't have an orange'

Goose24 has an extension lead that he calls Horace

When Steve Sunshine first watched The Office, he thought it was a real documentary

Goose24 owns the rights to the Fonz. This makes him either the coolest man alive or a complete toss-chafe. I think I'll let his peers decide.

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