British Comedy Guide
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Make an unfounded claim about the poster above you Page 39

Tummble washes his cock using the steam from the dishwasher.

Charley washes Tuumble's cock using the steam from the dishwasher.

Kevin Murphy shouldn't be looking at what Charley is doing with Tuumble's cock!

Tuumble can't get it up whilst being watched by Kevin Murphy.

But Tim Walker can.


Tim Walker invented lying. At least he said he did?

Will Cam thpeaks with a fawked thongue- or it thounds as if he duth.

In the olden days naughty boys used to be given the birch as a form of punishment on their bare backsides. If they said sorry they were given the option of being given the Stephen Birch. Most preferd the normal birch as it didn't dribble down their backs.

Will Cam likes custard on his Yorkshire Pudding.

Tuumble once appeared in an episode of friends as 'third man in a lift'. If you want to watch it on the internet - you can't. Oxfam own the rights. Its 'The One Where Shit Stinks'. Look for it on your high street, Sootyj might be in there buying shoes for club feet.

Will Cam owns a bootleg tape of Geroge Formby doing songs from his 'Blue Book'.

John Lucas 101 has been appointed as the new Norman Wisdom - but with a slight difference. You see, the new Norm is simply not funny, doesn't live on the Isle of Mann, and will never be a cult figure (yes, cult) in Albania. Instead, he will simply continue to offer his express felatio service to local tramps who suffer from the shits.

Juan Kerr once shot a cat in the face for looking at him funny.

Trabs collects stray pubic hair from public lavatory seats and crochets pubic wigs together. He anticipates great demand when the current fad for brazillians ends. He has yet to realise that human beings have the ability to grow their own bushes at will. Dat crazy ass boy is settin himself up for a BIG disappointment.

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