Monday 4th October 2010 11:06pm [Edited]
15,786 posts
Quote: Marc P @ October 4 2010, 10:44 PM BST
Tim if you really want to write comedy have you ever thought about other avenues that won't depress you so much. Sitcom is just bloody sitcom after all... it's ok... it's not. you know GREAT ART.
Well there's no need to get personal!

Quote: chipolata @ October 4 2010, 10:52 PM BST
I once started a fantastic thread saying just that and I was shot down. And I'm sure one of those with a rifle was one Marc P!
He's a true politician, that Mr P. He sways with the prevailing wind... 
And, Marc, for the record, I've just finished my first proper feature screenplay. A black comedy. So I shall soon be moving on from being apoplectic with rage about sitcoms I didn't write to, instead, being apoplectic with rage about movies I didn't write.
Er, I mean...