The wife and I (plus eldest) are going to Edinburgh on the 23rd and the wife is performing! She's not doing comedy as such but is part of something called 'A Pint of Poetry & a Dram of Drama' at Scotland's most haunted pub, The Banshee Labyrinth.

She'll be on sometime between 13.10 and 14.10 and could well be performing her latest piece, a rather nifty ditty about sexually transmitted diseases*.
*Will probably have to block our daughter's ears for that one!
Free Fringe web page here:
"A Pint of Poetry and a Dram of Drama is an open mic spoken word event from Peterborough. You know, near Cambridge. For 4 years it has hosted local poets, bards of the fens and MCs. In Edinburgh for the first time. We bring some of PTowns best wordy talent to you."