British Comedy Guide

Mecha-Cacodemon Animation


Big thanks for everyone's thoughts on this: .

Have just realised I don't have time for a re-edit (making the skin a slightly redder shade will take days- should have realised that earlier) and as the changes will only be very slight I have decided to keep things as they are for now. Still, any more thoughts on this piece are welcome as I intend to make another animated short soon. Anything I can learn is useful to me.

Best wishes as always

Looked really good and the animation was smooth - The Mecha-Cacodemon looked good in particular. Music and FX good too. My only tedious point on the look is that the human characters are yellow and that did keep making me think of The Simpsons.

The script worked and the "Not even semi skinned" gag was good. The "password" ending seemed a little disconnected to the rest of the sketch, but worked well enough.

Hey dude.

Visually looked great good camera work and looks darn nice. Style difference really looked good between the pudgy humans and the sleek creature.

Actual scrpt I thought was a little weak. But that said I'm sure I'm in a minority (as usual)

Very polished. No criticisms to make; enjoyable as is.

Thanks to everyone who's commented so far.

Ben - The characters don't appear yellow on my screen. Might be to do with display settings. I'll probably pinkify (that is SO a word) their skin anyway as I don't want it to look Simpsony (again, I'm certain that's a word).

Gavin - I thought some people wouldn't like the script (well, that's the case for every script, but more so this one) as it's a bit out-there (of course, you might have disliked it for other reasons). Was my kind of thing though (not saying I'm right. If other people didn't like it please let me know). Hopefully next time I make something you'll like the script. I'm happy you liked the look of it.

Timbo - Thank you very much.

One thing that hasn't been commented on yet is the voices, so if anyone has thoughts on those (as well as any other aspect of the cartoon, really) that'd be great. I know the voices in this one sound similar to voices in some of my earlier cartoons. I'll bring other people in to do voices when I'm doing a longer piece.

Best wishes

I was viewing on a CRT monitor, so maybe that's why they looked yellow to me, Yacob.

Oh and the voices were fine. Heard them before though. Looking forward to hearing them mixed up with some new voices.

Looks great, really smooth animation and editing. There's no doubt you can produce TV/Film quality animation.

On my monitor they were a sort of faded Post-It note yellow. But that didn't bother me really.

Music is a nice fit, could maybe get ramped up a bit more at the dramatic moment when he presents the MC.

Voices, great as always! You and Middle Distance Jon have a natural talent at that. Perhaps the dramatic bits need to be a bit more energetic/shoutier but that's all.

Script wasn't belly laugh hilarious but it was amusing and enjoyable and I had a smile on my face. The Semi-skimmed line was very good. Password ending was a bit drawn out though.

Perhaps you could end with something like 'So do you still want that Milk?'

Great stuff! Keep 'em coming!

Quote: Yacob Wingnut @ July 28 2010, 9:42 AM BST

Gavin - I thought some people wouldn't like the script (well, that's the case for every script, but more so this one) as it's a bit out-there (of course, you might have disliked it for other reasons). Was my kind of thing though (not saying I'm right. If other people didn't like it please let me know). Hopefully next time I make something you'll like the script. I'm happy you liked the look of it.

It's not so much that it's 'out there' I have no problem with that, it just wasn't snappy enough imho, and it wasn't I didn't like I understand why people would find parts funny. :)

But I'm a freak when it comes to comedy so I'd not be bothered I didn't laugh lol :D

Nice work!

You asked about the voices, so I have a question. There are certain words that seem to be coming out funny - "demon" sounds like it has a hard "D" on the end and "created" sounds more like "curated". Is this a deliberate thing?

Thanks again for the comments.

Ben - Will bring up the pink. Just in case.

Shoepie - Like the suggestion of the last line. Not sure I'll use it but sounds like a good idea. I might redo the music and VO a tad to hype it up in the right spots.

Gavin - Thanks for clarifying.

David Bussell - In that accent (whatever the hell that accent is) 'created' comes out as 'curated' and 'demon' comes out as 'DE-mon' (when he's passionate). Hopefully it doesn't detract from the piece. Didn't have 'curated' in the script.

Quote: Yacob Wingnut @ July 28 2010, 11:42 AM BST

David Bussell - In that accent (whatever the hell that accent is) 'created' comes out as 'curated' and 'demon' comes out as 'DE-mon' (when he's passionate). Hopefully it doesn't detract from the piece. Didn't have 'curated' in the script.

It wasn't a criticism, more a point of interest. I thought it was funny those words were being mispronounced and wondered if it was a deliberate decision. BTW, I was hearing "demon" as "demond".

Yeah, I meant to ask about the demond thing too.

Your pieces definitely remind me of something else. Not sure what though?

This was good. Not the strongest script but it was OK. Voices and art is good, they give you a distinct feel (despite what I said above) Pleased

As others have said, great animation and voice work, but the script isn't the strongest. It's not bad, it just a bit thin.

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