Much as I heart him, Steven Moffat is a very annoying man
Sherlock Page 63
Quote: AJGO @ January 18 2012, 4:12 PM GMT
Much as I heart him, Steven Moffat is a very annoying man
Sherlock does things 'out of character' every epsiode from thanking Molly to admitting his friendship for Watson - otherwise his character would just stagnate.
Quote: AJGO @ January 18 2012, 4:12 PM GMT
Much as I heart him, Steven Moffat is a very annoying man
Well, he would say that wouldn't he.
I reckon he's bluffing.
Quote: Moffat @ January 18 2012, 4:28 PM GMT'It's something that Sherlock did that was very out of character, but which nobody has picked up on.'
As RC says, Sherlock does weird stuff all the time.
Was it when he made tea, instead of getting Mrs Hudson to do it, like he always does? Or was it when he implied he needed Molly (although it could have been 'I need U')? Or perhaps it might have been when he got drunk on meths and shagged that fox in the alley?
I bet he hasn't read this thread. Maybe one of us already noticed it.
I just watched it again.
Just before heading for the final confrontation, Sherlock can be seen discarding an empty can of Red Bull.
It's brief, but very noticeable when you know what you're looking for. Just over 46 minutes on the iPlayer version.
I think we have our answer!
Quote: Kevin Murphy @ January 18 2012, 5:15 PM GMTI just watched it again.
Just before heading for the final confrontation, Sherlock can be seen discarding an empty can of Red Bull.
It's brief, but very noticeable when you know what you're looking for. Just over 46 minutes on the iPlayer version.
I think we have our answer!
I'm going to pretend I didn't go straight and check that out.
Quote: AJGO @ January 18 2012, 4:12 PM GMT
Much as I heart him, Steven Moffat is a very annoying man
He's much more. He's a c**t.
Anyone know what happend with the camera in Sherlock's appartment, don't remember it ever being explained who did it?
Quote: Jamey @ January 18 2012, 6:55 PM GMTAnyone know what happend with the camera in Sherlock's appartment, don't remember it ever being explained who did it?
I assumed it was one of the assassins who'd put it there to keep tabs on him?
He did so he can film when Mrs Hudson bends down to do the dusting and whack off over the images later.
Quote: sootyj @ January 18 2012, 7:40 PM GMTHe did so he whack off when Mrs Hudson bends down to do the dusting
Oh dear - how much have you had to drink this time?
I was going to leave this thread alone, but since sootyj has so hurt my feelings by saying my theories are bad ideas I shall continue...
Moffat said that Sherlock did something out of character. This refers to the show, not the individual. It was out of character for the show to use a pop song as soundtrack. That song was Sinnerman, which is based on the book of revelations, which references angels and hiding and falling, as well as help from 'they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes'. The name of the star that falls to earth in book of revelations is Wormwood, which is not only the name of a street that is also EC1 postcode like St. Barts but is also used to make absinthe, commonly thought to be a psychoactive drug (which is no longer scientifically thought to be the case but it will get you very doolally very quickly)
I think you might be an actual genius.
Quote: zooo @ January 19 2012, 8:10 PM GMT
I think you might be an actual genius.
That seems unlikely since I use my fingers to count but I'm not waiting two years to find out if I can do a victory dance *does victory dance that will probably be renamed 'missed key element that renders theory useless dance'*
Also, there's seals and sun and moon stuff in revelations, but I'm not bloody reading it to specify