British Comedy Guide

Exams.... Page 5

It wouldn't have been so bad but our law teacher enjoys talking about anything that distracts him that’s loosely related to law, like how if I run over a cat I don’t have to tell the police because technically their still feral...OH! Cheers! I'm going to get my degree and defend a rapist with that nugget of information!

My Client may of Skinned those men your honour but when he ran over the cat he wasn't techincally obilged to report it, I put it to you that this whole case is a FARCE!!

Getting smashed is the only cure for a three year law degree. Law really does suck, everyone is money grabbing and has no morals which is why i'm going to do stand up Laughing out loud

Right - who's failed more exams than me?

When I did my O levels I took about 8 I think, passed 3 and failed the other 5. Resat 5 next year and failed them all. Then went to Art School and failed another O level and dropped out before I finished the course.

Still - it hasn't done me any harm has it? Well yes actually it has.

No more exams! Yippee!

I did mine-and although I was nervous, I was so glad that RS was first because it's only half a GCSE and stuff, so yeah....2 down, 15 to go :|

I feel your pain scatterbrained floozy. (u don't know hard hard it is for me to type that the state i'm in, sloshed)

already!? I appreciate your ardous typing, and thank you hehe

I was last of myy friends to finish, so we'll all drinking

they say hello

they say hello, or slur "heeloowii!"?

Drunk people love to say hello, whenever anyone answers phone next to a dunken fellow they always shout "HELLLOOO!!" very social bunch, except the violent drunks, their not social, well they are to begin with they rub your face and tell you that your their best friend just before they deck you for looking at them funny.

Hellooo & well done all those who have taken, or are still taking exams.

I haven`t taken an exam, but I`ve handed work in for marking, so it still counts!

Oh happy, happy days:D

Two years until my next exam. Yay! :)

ust over two DAYS until my next exam...yay? :(


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