Wednesday 7th July 2010 3:04pm
228 posts
Quote: swerytd @ July 7 2010, 3:25 PM BST
Hey Andy
Read through these. The best one is the latest one about the phone-in; it zips along at a fair old pace and is very entertaining.
The others are good but they feel a bit 'linear'. It's hard to describe but there's a lot of what actually factually happened rather than some analogueising and simile-ing. You could be a bit more rant-y for more humour. Also, it feels like you need to come full circle and finish off where you start. But that might be just me liking Clarkson and Charlie Brooker columns and setting them as benchmarks for humourous column-writing.
I think they need a few more contrived one-liners thrown in too (the 'Mickey Mouse prize' one in the latest blog is excellent and the sort of thing I mean)
Hope this is useful
Thanks Dan, this is exactly what I am after.
Contrived one liners I am comfortable with. I think that because it is a local rag, I have to tell the story as it is, rather than using poetic licence. I'll definitely try and rant style blog next. Coming full circle is what I always try to do and think I have in the first two (New Forest and BBQ) but I lost that in the others. I'm glad you have mentioned it as I agree, Clarkson and the like do that very well and it leaves you feeling satisfied afterwards, rather than stumbling down a dead end
Thanks once again