British Comedy Guide


So this isn't a comedy script, but some random shit I wrote.

I was staring at the blank screen and began to type, strangely it revealed itself to be a Superman script, not being a fan of Superman or knowing much about him, except some basics, I've managed to scribble together a few pages, I would've wrote more, but my bastard computer kept freezing up.

I was actually enjoying it, even though it's bollocks. Oh and BTW I was seeing the TV show in my minds eye, you know the one with that bint from Desperate Housewife's.

The narrator at the start is something just I tacked on, to give it a more "movie" feel.

Just a small thing it's spelt Lex Luthor, Other then that quite nice little piece I woulda liked to have seen more. I like Superman hes a legend I'd buy him a drink down local

Thanks, it was very random indeed, but on reflection a good writing exercise. I knew the characters (or at least I think I did) enough to let the dialogue flow.

I might give it another go, if my comp doesn't stop freezing, which is ironic because I think it's too hot!

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