Friday 2nd July 2010 9:41am [Edited]
2,302 posts
Quote: Marc P @ July 1 2010, 11:58 AM BST
If it helps I have no idea specifically what you are talking about Afinkawan
Can you give us an example of what you are doing with the third wall etc, or more details about the sketch?
Well the sketch itself involves fake DVD commentary while the show is going on, including commentary on the audience and their reaction to the show as it happens, effectively pulling the audience inside the fourth wall and then breaking it by opening the whole thing up to another, entirely fictional audience outside the venue.
I know that's all waffle - I'm not an art student or anything so I don't mean anything by it. It's just that, due to limitations of the venue the brief was to write sketches 'with no 4th wall stuff' - presented straight to the audience. A bunch of people acting out a sketch as if it were a play just wouldn't work in that venue.
But me, being me and told 'no 4th wall stuff' I have to work out a way of doing what they've asked for while rebelling against the instruction.
This led me to try to break the fourth wall anyway and then, as the theme of the festival is 'The Art of Looking Sideways' it made me consider how to break the fourth wall looking sideways, which led me to wonder how on earth I'd go about breaking a 3rd wall instead. Which led me to asking you fine people if you had any ideas how such a thing might be achieved, just out of interest really.
I doubt any of it actually makes sense, it's just the stubborn smartarse streak in me.